-3. the plant man and the photographer-

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With a long week of coffee, bills, and unboxing. the two men settled into the apartment. Zach's room was stacked with boxes like skyscrapers. some were empty and turned upside down.  the room had a bed in the corner. framed with a brown wood. its colored flowed the colour of the ocean. on the wall hung a strand of string. holding onto its paperclips. on those paperclips held photos... lots of them. some of flowers, people, sunsets... memories. on the windows were class figurines. some where clear that burnished your eyes if you looked at them right. the only other things in that room was a dresser, desk, and lamps. set up to compliment the silhouette of the room. they sat on the couch. very far apart from  each other. starting conversations as Zach rests from unpacking his crap. he was exhausted. 

after a few minutes. Rin jumped up and walked over to the counter.

"hey hey. what the hell was that for?" Zack said questioning why Rin just suddenly jumped off the couch. "what's got you hyper?"

"hey don't be an ass-" Rin looked up at Zack who was looking over the back of the couch much like a puppy. "I'm trying to be nice to my guest."

"guest you say- aaahhaha... that's funny. we are roommates Rin."

"no were nooot" Rin shouted from behind the metal box on the counter. it started purring as the sound of ceramic mugs tapped the countertops. ready to be serviced. 

"yes we are. i just moved in here, that makes us roommates!" Zack pointed over to the open door at the end of the hallway. then to swiveled around to smile at the other boy working away at the counters.

"Zach you have only been here for two days. that doesn't make it official."

"okay, okay, okay, but what the hell are you doing... Rin." Zach said sternly.

Rin didn't say anything back. he whisked a grey mug around in the metal machine despaired before him while Zach quietly observed. his movements were clean and flawless. Rin was very skilled at welding a barista machine. seconds later he placed a mug under the port as hot steaming coffee spewed from its nozzle. Rin poured the frothy foam on top of it. focusing his attention on both mugs. a few minutes later after dancing with the machine. he walked over to Zach. Rin walked over to the left of Zach behind the arm of the couch as Zach wondered curiously. 

"do you like coffee or tea-?" Rin said with a faint welcoming smile. it gave off a warm welcoming feeling. 

"uhm.. coffee please. im going to need it if i finish that room one and for all." they both chuckled as Rin handed him the piping hot mug with a dancing swirl or steam flowing away from it. Rin sat down. he but his knees up on the couch. quietly drinking the tea. 

"you know, you are really good at making coffee. and i mean... a really good fucking coffee." Zach's eyes gleamed looking at the b=mug then back at Rin. his fiery yellow eyes sparked as Rin looked over.

"you think so??" Rin furrowed his right eyebrow and lifted his cup of tea to his lips.

"oh yeah. absolutely." Zach smiled looking forward at the porch filled with plants as the light played on the leaves of most of them.

the two men sat away from each other. enjoying the drinks that Rin has made. it was quiet and relaxing. Zach leaned forward and sighed. he examined the room. he paused his search, looking at the TV that was displayed inform of the couch. left of the wall that the porch was located. Zach politely asked Rin if he could turn it on. Zach is a very polite person. his soul was kind and forgiving aftercall. Rin agreed. handing him the remote from the far side of the tan couch. he clicked on the remote. setting it to the side where the coffee table sat. the news channel was on. Zach stared at it with peculiarity. his eyebrows furrowed and his mind was focused on the televisions flashing lights. it was as if it was speaking to him.

"you can change it Zach i was j-" he was cut off.

"wait..." he said in a stern tone. as if he was giving orders to soldiers. his eyes became strained. 

the news was blaring... it was in a tone no one likes to hear ever. 

"following up the investigation in the city. new evidence has been found. the unidentified bodies have been correctly identified earlier tonight. the victims of last nights slashing appear to be three high schoolers. their time of death was approximately 8:54 at the time of the strike. all victims had bite marks, slashes, and burn mark all over their bodies. scientists speculated beliefs said this could become a global crisis. the animal that did this has not been correctly identified. With no trace evidence that could link to any possible matches. a similar case just occurred this afternoon. luckily. footage was collected."
the TV scrambled with information. it was all too much to understand just then. a few seconds of a camera showed a beast on the screen. it has Lucius white fur. it was as large as a bear... maybe more. the creature stretched out like a ferret would. the first half of the beast was covered in red. dripping from what has occurred that night. before the video shut off, you would see the man running with his camera. all before the moment was gone.
"thank you jennet, but ill continue the scene from here. I'm Craig and ill be able to provide further evidence. LIVE. im here on the scene. from the ground we are on it is soft farm soils. its the local community garden. without stepping... on the evidence- you can see the footprints here..." the camera panned to a paw on the ground. it was unlike anything they have seen. it resembled a bears, however, it was more sleek and thin. "gradually as we continue down the trail its shape has changed. considering the scene of the murder. this could be a distraction. it seems by the looks of it they once appeared to be human footprints. gradually turning into our unidentified beast. on location to the case with the three college students, different set of tracks exist. could this be a gang rising up? or could this be a global spread of mutated disease? back to jannet wit-"

the screen cut out with a glimpse of a shadow behind the news reporter. instantly sports came on. soccer was now the focus of attention.

both Rin and Zach looked at each other. their mouthed gaped open. no words followed. it was empty. their faced froze. their eyes quivered with worry... mainly Rins- 

"can you believe something like that???" Zach finally said. breaking the silence as he quickly turned off the tv. he got up to turn on the light. the room became dark without it.

"...w-...was that... the city next to here?" Rin asked quietly. he sighed after. clearing his face from the worried look he displayed. he looked more like an asshole, but at least he didn't look scared.

"to be honest I don't think it is... I don't know the area too well. i never seen that building when I was there last week. I doubt that would happen here anyway." Zach looked over at the red haired boy who sat in a ball on the couch. his face was tucked into his knees... looking down. struggling to keep his high pride. "awwee- do you need a hug-? looks like you need it."

"no i-i... I'm fine Zach" Rin paused as he saw him stand up quickly to swoop up the small boy from the couch. "no... Zach.... no no NO NO NO!! N-"

before he knew it. jack picked him up from the couch. Rin's eyes shot open like a rocket that just exploded. he help on tightly to his tea, or what remained of it. only a small amount of the sweet drink remained. the rest was on Zach. he walked over to the kitchen and squashed Rin. he squeaked and continuously tried to wiggle his way out.

"its going to be okay bud! there's nothing to be scared of....---tiny man." Zach snorted. he was biting down on his lip to stop from bursting with laughter. he was caring Rin, who was almost a foot shorter than him.

"IM NOT THAT SHORT ZACK!!!" Rin tried to push out of his arms again. "i swear i will pour the rest of my tea on you!"

"YOU ALLREADY DID!" Zach gestured to his blue shit... with a clean dark spot where the tea was thrown at him. "so what are you going to do about it hm-?"

Rin stayed quiet. he gave off a malicious smile. then checked the small amount of tea as his face. "that."

"you're an asshole Rin."

"yeaahhh. and-? I don't like hugs put me down."

"you looked pretty scared I don't know if I should" Zack teased him. walking around still carying him like a bride he will never have. 

"still! I'm not used to them."

"well. good thing you have me around huh? the plant man.. and the photographer!"

"that's stupid."

"Brighten up plant man. cleaarrllyy you don't know anything good about life so im going to teach you."

"just because i don't like hugs?!?!?"

"yyuuppp" Zach responded before letting go of Rin. dropping him onto the couch. Zach walked away while Rin flipped him off for a while.

Zach went over to the sink. he put all of the mugs and plates that were used away. the dirtied ones traveled their way into the dishwasher with a gaping mouth. Zach huffed then strided over to his room.

"ill be unpacking boxes if you need me."

"its 10... at night. why?" Rin said as he spread out on the couch. he unbuttoned the first three buttons on his shirt. he placed his arm on his forehead and laid there.

"well i want this done! i planned to be done today. its still possible! i beleive in myself. you should too!!!"

"well i do beleive in you. goodnight then."

Rin sighed as he closed his eyes, still laying on the couch. Zack looked over at him trying to rest. he shutoff the lamps in the living room. turned around, then headed back to his room. closing the door.

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