Internships, New Changes, & Promise

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After the fight with Stain, Iida, Todoroki and Midoriya were in the hospital. The number of injuries that Midoriya had were severe so he was to in there the longest.

That being because whenever he could move during the fight, he would take all hits from Stain. Then when he broke out of Stain's aura, he got to fight him again but alone. Luckily Todoroki jumped in to help. That fight was broadcasted.

Iida having only his arms injured and Todoroki with minor cuts and scratches. Yet the one on his chest was quite deep leaving to stay as well.

When Midoriya came back from surgery, Iida and Todoroki were already there in their selected beds. He was still asleep however when brought in.

"How is he?", Todoroki asks the nurse taking him in. The nurse gives a small smile, "He'll be fine. He's just very tired and will still have some pains. He needs lots of rest and care.".

That assured Todoroki a little. He was still worried. The number of tubes and wires on Midoriya gave him quite the scare.

Iida stares sorrowful glances at Midoriya. The guilt of his actions eating him whole.

"Iida, it will be okay. Just don't ever go out for revenge again. Heroes don't kill. Also you are the class rep.", Todoroki says swiftly staring into Iida's soul.

"I promise, Todoroki. I promise.", Iida says softly staring at Midoriya. The determination to be a real hero burning in his veins.

The Hero Commission already released their verdict on their actions. They were innocent. They just were going to a lot of community service and hero training. A lot of hero training on things they weren't going to be taught at U.A.

Midoriya impressed them fighting Stain the second time. What Todoroki worries about is his old man. The faces he made during that set a level of familiar terror.

A terror that Todoroki had seen on his mother but it was different. It was a mixture of terror set on him. The ideas of this swirling in Todoroki's mind refused to let him sleep.

Todoroki was awoken from his thoughts when a hand from a unconscious person grabs his. Todoroki stares down to see Midoriya practically nagging at him to get some sleep.

Todoroki carefully follows Midoriya's request. Joining Midoriya in his bed to sleep in with him. I might add. Todoroki quickly falls asleep in the warmth of Midoriya.

Soon enough the pair with the wires and tubes were cuddling. Todoroki's long arms holding Midoriya like if a green Broccoli kitten.


The Hero Commission or the top ten pro heroes with many other titans of the globe stare at one Mei Hatsunne on her literal knees begging for permission to bring out her completely safe and revolutionizing baby to the general public globally.

What did her baby do? Well it made same sex biological children possible. It helped combine the parents' DNA to form a child and with a simple procedure with one parent.

The said child enters their body and grows like Amy normal baby within a pregnant woman. But there was also mechanical births for infertile couples. But the baby zaps a heck ton of energy. Enough to make both parents extremely tired like natural labor.

"Please! For sake of Hatsunne Industries!!", Hatsunne begs. This baby is one of her masterpieces. It would literally kill her if it never got to see the front stage.

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