Task 1.

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Make sure you read the reading guidelines. . . Mandatory!

So Rosettians . . . let's get started!

🌹Group 1. Roses

Author_Reedarh: My twisted Fate.

YourGreenWriter : The secret weapon

christabel1232 : Hottie's next door .

Pinkafro_vibe : My chase tale

sponger12 : Leap.

Your task starts at 16/12/2020 and ends at 30/12/2020 18:00 pm WAT.

Read your fellow group members books, and make friends!

🌺Group 2. Magnolia

Author_Reedarh : breaking free

kaylhan_wonder : Fiji

Alabascious-sage :Pocadotted feelings

grace_chanbee : The child's Father.

Your task starts at 16/12/2020 and ends at 30/12/2020

💎Group 3. Blue Roses

BatPrinceCo : The Dealsman

zaolat03 : Stars in slum

VeeSae : The magic closet

aichang_m *Reader

Your tasks starts at 16/12/2020 and ends at 30/12/2020

*remember, read and comment on least four chapters. Vote to your satisfactory!

Once you're done, you are to comment inline, at your group members name, that you have completed your task.


Comment a short review of story.

Example : Done . . . the story has a good plot, the author needs to work on correcting errors , etc.

Easy peasy, lemon sweezy!

Then writers are to comment a day before deadline . . .

All members in my group have completed the task (except *name* If necessary)

Comment here

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