pool party

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y/n - your name
h/n - your boyfriends name aka his name
bf/n - best friends name, well call her monica for this one
Bold texts - you

Summary: your best friend is having a pool party and you go with your boyfriend little do they know.....you can't swim

Your perspective---
Monica: Hey girl. Throwing a pool party this weekend you in? You can invite h/n.
                                                                                                                                    Sounds great we'll be there!!!!
Monica: okay cool, my house saturday @noon
                                                                                                                                                       Perfect, can't wait!!!

Your perspective---

Monica always threw the best parties. However I was quite nervous about this one since it was a pool party and I knew h/n would want to swim with me. h/n and I have been dating for almost a year now and we knew everything about each other well except that I couldn't swim. It was only Thursday so I had some time before the party. I still needed to text h/n about the pool party though.


                                                                                                                                                                               Hey baby 

H/N: Hey babe, whats up?

                                                                            Monica is throwing a pool party on saturday, wanna go?H/N: Sounds fun, what time, i'll pick you up
                                                                                                                                                Around Noon is that ok?H/N : that's great talk to you later <3
                                                                                                                                                                                              <3TIme Skip
Your perspective 

It was now only an hour before the party. Monica lived a 10mins away so I still had a while to get ready. I already knew exactly which bathing suit I would wear (just imagine your favorite bathing suit) I plan to stay out of the pool as much as possible or just put my feet in so I don't embarrass myself. If i do get in I'll just wing it, everything will be fine, right? As I began to question myself I knew I should just get ready and just go with the flow. I put on my bathing suit and threw a beautiful sundress on top. I heard h/n pull into the driveway so I quickly grabbed my pool towel, sunglasses, and phone in a small bag and headed out the door to meet h/n. I hopped in the passenger seat of his car. 
"You look beautiful baby" as h/n said before kissing me lightly.
                                                                                                                                                                      "Thanks h/n"
He put his hand on my thigh like he normally does and continued driving. The rest of the car ride was silent as I was pretty nervous and he focused on the road. We soon arrived at Monica's house and h/n got out of the car and quickly came to my side to open the door for me. 
'Thanks h/n" I said as he gestured his hand to me.He responded to me with a passionate kiss before we walked up to Monica's door.
He held his hand out as he was helping me out of the car and grabbed my bag with his other hand. He held on to my waist as we were walking up Monica's driveway. We knocked on the door and Monica quickly answered.
"Hey guys, come in, so glad you could make it" Monica said as she gestured to us to walk inside.and she showed us to the backyard. 
                                                 "So excited and happy to be here" I responded nervously hoping h/n wouldn't notice my nervous tone. 
"Thanks for inviting us" h/n replied. 
"Let me grab you too some drinks and we can get the party going" Monica said cheerfully as she grabbed h/n and I some punch.
H/n took his hand off my waist and said "babe is it ok if i go talk to the guys while you catch up with Monica?" he asked. 
                                             "Of course, go have fun" I said as I gave him a little peck on the cheek.
I completely zoned out while Monica continued to talk to me. I noticed that h/n and his friends were in the pool which made me even more nervous about my situation.

"Hey y/n you okay?" Monica asked as she noticed I wasn't paying attention.
                                                                         "Huh oh yeah I'm fine" I replied looking back up at Monica.
"Okay whatever you say, I'm gonna go open the door for more people" Monica said.as she headed back inside.

I decided to put my bag down on one of the chairs by the pool. I lifted my sundress up to my knees as I put my feet in the pool and looked down at the water. I was completely zoned out until I felt someone lightly grab my foot from inside the pool. I flinched a bit and looked up slightly to see it was h/n and I felt relieved.
"Hey babe, you gonna come swim with me?" h/n asked.
I felt a bit flustered as he was so handsome especially with his shirt off (oop) I didn't want people to make fun of me because I couldn't swim. I knew I had to quickly respond or h/n would know something was up.
"Uh yeah in a minute I'm gonna go refill my drink" I said as I quickly walked away from the pool and pretended to refill my drink. At this point I knew I had to get in the pool. I went back to the chair with my bag on it and took off my sundress. I headed to the steps of the pool and h/n came up to me and waited for me to fully get in. H/n was impatient as I was slowly getting in the pool and trying to get used to the water. H/n threw a little splash at me.

"Hey, what was that for" I said laughing a little
"Hurry up babyyyyyyy I wanna swim with you" h/n replied.

I splashed him back and then we both started splashing each other. We had a mini splash war and both kept giggling and splashing each other and before I knew it I was in the middle of the pool where I couldn't stand. I had trouble floating so I started to panic. I felt overwhelmed and I felt like I was sinking. I obviously stopped splashing and so did h/n. h/n saw me panicking and starting to go down. He quickly swam up to me and carried me out of the water. I was breathing quite heavily and h/n sat me down on his lap on the chair by the pool.
"Baby baby what happened, are you ok" h/n questioned as he held me on his lap.
I was still catching my breath and letting out a few coughs as he rubbed my back"
"I-I I can't s-swim" I stuttered as I slowly caught my breath.

"y/n you should have told me I could have taught you" he said sympathetically making sure I was ok.

"I just felt embarassed, did anyone else see?" I questioned"

"No they are to busy talking, but baby next time tell me please it's nothing to be embarassed about I totally understand" he said as he lifted my head up and kissed my forehead.

We went back in the pool this time he held me the whole time. We had so much fun at the party.

A/N: I am still trying to figure out some good endings but I hope you enjoyed. Comment below any requests or ways I can improve!!! Also so sorry about the formatting I am still trying to work it out.

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