i heard it all

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A/N: Hey this might be a long one I just like to be descriptive but anyway lmk if you have any tips for writing or requests.

y/n - your name

h/n - his name

for this story landen, josh, and Michael are h/n's friends

summary: you are in class h/n is with his friends stuff happens (no spoilers), angst ends in fluff

It was my last class of the day, bio. H/n was in my class but we had group projects so today i couldn't sit next to him. As per usual he was in a group with all of his friends and I was with my friends. H/n's group was not too far away from where I was sitting with my group. Practically everyone in the class was talking among their groups. It was actually a little overwhelming I zoned out and focused on the project.

It was about 10 minutes before class was over I could hear the faint voices of my classmates until one stood out. It was h/n talking to his friends.

"dude shes so ugly and quiet she never talks to anyone" josh said letting out a small chuckle

"bro you're so right y/n is such a nerd" Michael stated

"yea she so boring i bet all she does is go home and read" h/n said. They all started laughing not knowing that i heard every word they said. This hurt me a lot i felt tears start to build up. We had a few minutes left of class the teacher let us out early. H/n was still talking to his friends I got up and left, slamming the door behind me. h/n looked up at me as I was leaving the classroom. I tried walking as quickly as possible to get out of school. h/n caught up to me since we planned to go to his house after school.

"babe, are you ok, what happened?" he questioned as he noticed my watery eyes.

I tried my best to ignore him and I started walking out of the school back home. I wanted nothing to do with h/n right now.

"babe talk to me i want to help you" he begged, i didn't answer

"baby c'mon we are supposed to hang out today" i said nothing as you continued walking home. h/n still following you.(he usually took the bus home)

"why are u ignoring me, please talk to me" i still didn't answer him. We were about to turn the corner until h/n grabbed my wrist preventing me from walking.

"what the hell h/n" I finally answered pulling my wrist out of his grip.

"What are u talking abt, why are you so upset" h/n said in a confused tone

"h/n i'm not that oblivious, I heard EVERYTHING, i bet she goes home and just reads" you say mimicking him

"shit" he mumbles under his breath

"y/n- look you know-" h/n tried to respond before I cut him off.

"no don't even try h/n, your friends always talk so much shit about me, and you AGREE with them, i don't get it, that's not how you treat your girlfriend, what has gotten into you?" I say as i storm off.

"y/n wait please-" h/n stated as I was walking away

"no! I don't wanna hear it go away h/n"I continued walking and eventually made it home

When I got home Immediately showered and plopped down on my bed,I was extremely tired and hurt by the things h/n said and unfortunately that was't the first time his friends talked bad about me but normally h/n would just ignore them. Was he trying to act CoOl in front of his friends? They know we are fating right? I thought more and an hour later I contemplated texting h/n. I got lost in my thoughts and eventually fell asleep.

tap tap tap

I suddenly woke up to tapping noises. I checked the clock and it read 11:37 pm. I propped myself on my bed and I saw h/n outside tapping on my window. I was sleepy and I didn't want to leave him out in the cold so I opened the window and let him in. I closed the window after he came in and I sat back down on my bed and he sat on the chair in the corner of my room.

"h/n what do you what' i said still a little upset in a sleepy tone.

"y/n i'm sorry, I couldn't sleep knowing that you were upset and that I hurt you. the truth is I hadn't told my friends we are dating yet. I was just trying to fit in with them and seem cool. but I didn't mean anything I said and they know now. I'm sorry y/n please forgive me." he said as he come over to sit next to me.

I leaned over to him and gave him a passionate kiss.

"So, is that a yes?"h/n asked

"yes it is h/n now come here and cuddle with me" i replied crawling back into bed

"you're so cute when you're sleepy babe" he gave me a peck on the lips and he slipped into bed with me and put his arm around my waist and pulled my back into his chest. We soon fell asleep in each others arms.

the end

A/N: Ahhhh I don't know how to end these but I hope you still liked it. Don't forget to comment down any tips or requests. Also lmk any other names you would want h/n to call you and stuff like that. I'm trying to upload every night.

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