The End

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A new sun rising behind the Liberty City Hills. The air polluted with thick heavy smoke. Distant screaming and children crying, calling for their mothers arms to hold them tight for what weighs on their young eyes. Homes burning, innocent people desperately escaping the grasps of cold metal plated hands and fine crafted steel swords swaying, serving in the name of Norak, the God of Underworld and House Of The Wolves. The morning was early but the war was not. With the last feet standing to protect and beliefs and millions of civilians, families, workers, famers, animals, gods and goddesses fallen, the last leaders stand head to head to end the war and claim what is rightfully theirs.

"Norak! Is this how you really want to spend your last minutes like this? To be known as a killer? a monster?.... A Destroyer of the world?" Neveah, the goddess life and earth, all things peace and natural, wielding The Sword Of A Thousand Gods. Once belonging to Zyl the God of War, but Norak and his army stromed and ravished Zyls city, Eastborne. One a strong and powerful cities, among the most honorable knights and fighters. A population of 20,000 people, diminished to just over 200 from Noraks destruction. 
"But you are wrong, oh fine Neveah. Your looks are astonishing, and so is your mind." Norak leaning into the blade of a thousand gods, slitting it slight, enough to draw a small steam of blood. "Enough to kill a man, an ordinary man of course." He continues.
"Enough to outthink you, and now youre a dead man!" Neveah snaps back. A small chuff comes from Noraks with a slight grin on his face.
"No..My Lady" He mocks. "Im not an ordinary man, and thats where you went wrong." A small but bright red light starts growing from a large pit behind them followed with a slight hum.
"You thought of me like an ordinary man, and i dont think like an ordinary man" Norak preaches while starting to giggle, red glowing veins lights up along his body like worms growing.
"After how many centuries together, and you still dont know me? Huh. Your loss!" A fools smile plastered on his face, blood and sweat mixed into his dirty black hair. The battles wears and scars from war showing on his body. Neveahs face shifts from disgust to confusion and worry as her eyes set sight on the glowing pit as it starts to shake and tremble the ground beneath their feet. Soldiers dropping to their hands and feet as they fall to the ground.

"What in the name of the gods is going on!" One soldier shouts. The pit starts to crumble away, taking chunks and boulder out as the pit.
"My lady get out! Its going to blow!" One of Neveahs knights shout. The trembling glowing pit intensifies while fire bursts up, blowing up rocks crushing people close by. Neveah distracted with shock, Norak kicks the sword out of her hand as it goes flying meters away, bringing her to the ground. She couldn't believe what she was seeing in all of her existence.

"You cant stop this now!" He shouts with glee and laughter, mocking Neveah. "If i cant have and rule over this word, no one can, ahahaha!" The man hysterically laughs. A man who once had firm power and knowledge, now corrupted in the mind with the thoughts of loosing a war he could never win.
"This is the end." Norak deeply growls with a stern fixed look on Neveah. The firey glowing pit grows, taking men and women in with it, it grows and grows until enough power has been built up, it releases. 

Everything goes white and quiet. The light spreads miles across the scarred waste lands of war and blood that were once fields filled with cows, sheep and food. It goes as high as the heavens, sending light beyond measure into the stars. A loud but quick bang is followed that travels through every crest and crack of the world. Trees shake. birds fly, water ripples and rocks shake throughout the world. Liberty and all the people were gone. All the gods that created and rule the world and fought a war to win a new world order of operation fallen. A large meteor shaped hole scars the battle ground. Miles wide and deep, vaporising everything, leaving dust and sand behind and no evidence. A small percentage of all the people who scurried away into deep dark holes and efficient hiding places deep in the world where no thing travels, life remains. 

The great kingdoms and cities fallen. Leaders, lords, ladies, kings and queens, gods and goddesses vanished in a blink of a second. No one to lead the new world in a new direction. Geia has fallen.

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