Chapter Five: Until the Night Descends, I Will Hold You

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In a desolate forest, he treads the path--not having a destiny in particular.  Just that, walking slowly deep within the threshold of the misty jungle.  Unsure of himself, he kept on walking, praying that he'll somehow see the light or the way out.  Until he stopped.  A figure, enveloped by the darkness, stood in front of him.  He doesn't know what to do.  Should he continue walking or just turn back?  But there's something about the figure, like an understanding and connection he could never grab hold of.  The figure walked up to him.  He wasn't scared.  In fact, he felt peace for the first time.  The figure spoke.

"Found you.  Like I promised."

Charles suddenly sat upright, confused but awakened.  What was that dream about?  He asked himself.  He wasn't completely sure what he had dreamt.  But he felt heavy and light at the same time--like he discovered a piece of himself but it cut him.  He sighed.  No use getting into that this early in the morning.  

He looked at the man sleeping beside him and smiled.  This is one of those rare moments when Charles spends the night in the doctor's condominium unit.   And he cherished every minute of it.  For after this, their usual and tiresome meetings in the school clinic.

Dr. Zarate fidgeted and slowly woke up.  He smiled upon seeing Charles's youthful face.

"Hey there, Doc."  Charles greeted.

"Hey there, patient."  Dr. Zarate replied and suddenly pulled Charles to him, locking him in his arms.  They both stayed like that for a while, their minds running questions, both of them unsure.  When Charles finally broke off the silence.

"Your birthday's coming up this Saturday.  What should we do?" 

The doctor didn't reply.  He gently pulled his arms from Charles, wore his shirt from last night, and stood up.  Finally, he faced Charles.

"I-uh...I can't meet you on my birthday.  My colleagues are throwing me this stupid party and I-I know you don't like that so..."

Charles understood.  He nodded and forced a smile.  What else is new?

"Okay, then, what would you like for a present?" he asked.

Dr. Zarate grinned.  "How about you cook me dinner today?"

"What? You know I don't cook!" 

The doctor returned to the bed and sat in front of Charles.

"And that will make it more special, y'see?"


"Yeah.  I'll come over to your house." 

"Really?"  Charles ensured enthusiastically.

"Yeah."  The doctor replied and kissed Charles.

Now, their next moment.  It is not so rare.


"You have to help me!"  Charles exclaimed upon his return to the house.  Gavin, who was silently enjoying his cup of coffee almost spilled it to himself out of surprise.

"H-hey.  You're home."  He uttered after recovering from his shock.   Charles approached Gavin and pleaded like a boy.

"Please.  Please.  You have to help me."

Gavin put down his cup and asked Charles, "With what?"

Charles narrated the whole story.  Gavin listened intently but all he could grasp from it was the fact that Charles spent the night at the doctor's condo.  And he can't believe himself for being so oblivious.  Although, he wasn't able to sleep well last night out of worrying and wasting hours contemplating whether to call Charles or let him be.  Jealousy and anger to himself overcame him, although Charles did not sense it.  Gavin has become a pro at controlling his emotions.

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