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Blue's POV:
I looked up at the big mansion and hesitated. I then decided to walk inside. I pushed the doorknob down and walked inside. When I got inside, everyone was awake. Error was sitting in the same couch as yesterday with Ink beside him. Killer, Outer and Ocean were on the sofa. Nightmare and Classic were talking with Cross by the stairs. Fell and Raspberry were by the TV and Horror and Lust were sitting on the ground, playing a board game.

Ink instantly walked up to me, but didn't say anything. He just pointed towards Nightmare, Classic and Cross, who hadn't noticed me come in. Everybody else followed me with their eyes when I walked up to them.

"Huh? Blue? When did you get here?" Nightmare said with a sleepy voice. "I just did.." I answered, also tired. "Hey blue.. I was just telling Nightmare and Classic about why we were out so late." Cross said, joining in. "Yes, continue." Classic just looked at me with a blank gaze.

I looked behind me and saw that everyone had gone back to what they were doing. Nightmare and Classic took us into the kitchen, closing the door behind us. Cross started talking with an unsure voice. "Well, as I was saying. We had seen Dream.. In a forest in Sugartale." "And why were you in the forest of Sugartale?" "Blue had forgotten something last time he were there, so I had decided to help him find it." "In the forest?" We both nodded. "Then why did you lock the door Blue?" Classic chimed in. "It wasn't me I swear, it was Dream.." I faked. "Then why did Ink say that you had said it was you?" Classic continued.

"D-Dream had forced us to.." Me and Cross were disgusted by what we were saying. But luckily, Classic and Nightmare beleived us. "Where did you say you had seen him again?" "Sugartale forest" Me and Cross both said. After the ruckus we all went to sleep.

-Teeme Skeep-

Ink's POV:
I was sitting on the roof, drawing the sunrise with music playing beside me. I couldn't fall asleep, so I had decided to sit up here and plan for our hunt. I took the paper with the groups on it out, and decided to check up on the group-picks.

Nightmare and Killer, Cross and Dust, Ocean and Outer, Rasberry and Blueberry, Horror and Lust, Classic and Fell, and me and Error.

Suddenly I heard a bump beside me, and looked to see who it was. It was Error, he had sat beside me looking tired. "Error? What are you doing up here?" I asked the glitchy skeleton. "I cOuLd AsK yOu ThE sAmE, iNk.." "I'm up here because I couldn't sleep..." I said putting my painting stuff away. "SaMe HeRe." He took the blog out of my hands with the groups on. "wHaT's ThIs?" "It's the groups for tommorow.." I took it out of his hands again.

"wHy Up HeRe?" I looked at him confused. "Hm?" "wHy DiD yOu Go Up HeRe?" I thought a bit. "I guess this place just looked really nice and calm to sit at" I looked at him with a smile. Suddenly Nightmare came up. "Hey lovebirds, everybody has woken up. Killer is making breakfast, so you better come." Me and Error blushed at the first thing he had said, and then walked down into the house with Nightmare.

"Error, Ink! You came just in time for breakfast!" Blue yelled with a smile. Killer had made bacon and eggs, and eveybody was already sitting down.

Dust was sitting in the middle of Blue and Rasp, Horror was sitting beside Lust, Classic was sitting beside Outer and Ocean and Fell was sitting beside Cross and Killer. Nightmare walked over to the empty seat beside Killer, and sat down. There were onlt two seats left so Me and Error decided to sit there. Evrybody began to eat, including me. And it was the most delicious thing ever.

"I may not like food that much, but Killer... This is great." Everybody looked surprised at Nightmare, exept for Ocean and Killer. Killer was smiling at Nightmare and I could see a tint of blush on his cheekbones. And Ocean was just clueless as to why we were surprised. "DiD THE nIgHtMaRe, JuSt CoMpLiMeNt SoMeOnE? kIlLeR MuSt Be VeRy SpEcIaL tO yOu?" Error said from beside me. Nightmares face imediatly turned Green/Teal-ish. (Meaning he's blushing). "N-no! K-killers food was just good! That's all!" Nightmare stuttered sitting down again. I looked over to see Blue sneaking hia phone under the table, as if he had filmed this whole thing.

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