Chapter one.

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                   CHAPTER ONE
Ifeoluwa looked around her again, since she got out of the church’s premises, she had a feeling someone was either following her or watching her closely. The choir practice she attended had ended few minutes back and she was making her way home, she would have easily plugged her earpiece and listen to some calm music as she makes her way back to her hostel where she shared a flat with other student of the university.
But she knew it would be risky as she won’t be well aware of her of environment. She continued briskly alongside the road and made sure she walked closely with some  group of student walking before her, they also seems to be heading to their respective hostels. She could also recognized one of them to be a boy living two flats away from hers. She is never a kind of person who finds it comfortable to relate with people. She has always found her fellow housemates, department mates and every student she has met to be clumsy, exuberant and of full of juvenile deliquesces. Not that she was really matured herself, she was only a twenty two years old girl, but she has learnt to keep others at Arm’s length. She found People around her untrustworthy, full of flaws, difficult to understand. After all, The word of the lord also testifies to it to it saying
“The heart of Men is desperately wicked, who can understand it.” She rolled her eyes at the direction of her thought, and thanked heaven’s inwardly for the company before her, who were not aware she was even there, but were giving her a sense of security.
Suddenly, as she began to calm down, a hand clamped down her shoulder roughly. she startled and gave out a squeal, alerting the company walking before her. The person, who clamped her shoulder walked into her line of vision and bursted into laughter.  The street light casting a glow over his face, she could easily recognized him to be Lekan, one of her housemates, and the one she also refers to a Lunatic in her mind. This was not the first time he would be doing this, and she has always made her distaste known about it to him. She now gave him a glare, letting him know how angry she was at him. He only gave her a toothy Grin in return, lighting up his boyish face. When her previous company saw it was no danger, and she waved them off, they went on their way, leaving both of them behind. She then turned back to her present company.
“Lekan, how many times have i enlightened you about sneaking up on people, especially me?”
He didn’t wipe the Grin off his face still. “A thousand time madam, it is always fun, startling you, and knowing how much you hate it”
She snorted. “You are the most annoying person I have ever met, can you get off my way now, and let me continue home”
“Yes dear, I’m also heading home, we can walk it together”
She refuse to mince a word as they walked home together, she only couldn’t say it to his face but she was grateful for another company, at least, who knew she was there. She sized him up with the corner of her eyes, at least he can take up a rapist, if one comes barreling them down. And if they were two, he would be able to stall them, till she would be able to run off, and probably seek help. She mentally laughed at her selfish thought.
In no time, they made it home, and she efficiently ditched Lekan in the Flat’s living room, making her way hurriedly into my room. For a starts, she gave off a sigh of relief. Closing her eyes, she gave thanks to god for journey mercies to and fro. Her eyes sweeps through her room. Ifeoluwa was someone you could call impeccable. Her room was completely tidied up, with her twin Bed occupying a reasonable space. Her foot wears carefully arranged at the foot of her wardrobe. Her books were also stacked on her reading table, taking position beside her Bed. An en suite Bathroom was also included. She had always loved her room, and made it exclusive to herself. She hates anyone interfering in her personal space, it overwhelms her. She knew her housemates sees her as weird, antisocial, and probably calls her a freak behind her.
After freshening up, she laid down to Pray. Ifeoluwa came from a vibrant Christian home. She has never deviated from this, and she takes her daily life with the master serious. She prays in the spirit, listens to edifying messages, Gospel songs Tops her play-list, and she is always intent on hearing of God before she takes a step or makes any decision. She’s well known among her housemates for her undying love for Christ.
Bro. Josh, her Fiancé, one of the ex-official of her fellowship, and an alumni had approached her when she was in 300level,and he was rounding off in school already. He made his noble intention known. She had gone Back to God for clarification. She accepted the proposal a week to her resumption as a finalist. The courtship had been a nominal one, but for almost a month his messages on whatsap has been less frequent, his calls too were not often either. Before he left for NYSC, he has always been insistent on keeping their relationship secret, for reasons best known to him. Bro. Josh was highly respected in their campus fellowship, and when he had proposed, she was overjoyed God brought to her way someone after his heart.
But recently, she has kept wondering why their courtship had been less of other people’s experience she hears. It sometimes seems to her as if the relationship never started, and they were only acquaintances. Even when he refuses to call or text. Or when he claims busy when she does, she never gets upset or misses him like a Jigsaw, like everyone in a relationship claims they feel.
She was now in the last semester of her stay in school. She has constantly prepared for the work loads it holds.
After Prayers, she checks her phone again once again before sleeping if she missed any call or text from him, but there was none. She merely rolled over and slept off.

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