"Kidnapped..? pt.2" Chapter 12

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Info about Oc:
Name: Y/n
age: 15
fav color: f/c
fav food: f/f
fav outfit/clothes: f/cl
fav weapon: f/w
eye color: e/c
hair color: h/c
hair length: h/l
fav height: f/h
nickname: n/n
friend's name: f/n
best friend's name: bf/n

Onto the story

Y/n's POV:
hmm.. I was still busy reading my book with Horror beside me.

I just also noticed no one bothered to come to the library,....wait. does anyone even know I'm gone from the cellar..?

"BOSS!! we kinda have a problem.." a voice said coming from downstairs..

"What is it this time Dust..." said what I assume was the Boss from earlier,and there talking to Dust.

"I checked on the cellar where the hostage is supposed to be and there gone..!!" the skeleton known as Dust said,with panic and a hint of anger in his voice.

"WHAT...!" welp,, that's my que to hide, i'm surprised Horror hasn't attack me yet nor done anything, he's still beside me reading a book,I assume he also heard what they were talking about since he took he's attention away from the book.

"FIND THEM NOW..!" There so called Boss said, while I heard multiple footsteps running around downstairs.

me and Horror just looked to eachother for a few seconds,
and shrugged then went back to reading.

until someone called after Horror.

"H-horror..! Where Th-The Fuck are ya??!" the voice sounded new and glitchy, I assumed it was the guy with error signs hovering all over him.

"B-Boss sa-said to look for Th-The Hostage..!!" The voice screamed once again,still looking for Horror.

me and Horror didn't know what to do since if he replied, he'll giveaway where we are...

we just looked at eachother for a whole minute,I noticed he was nervous as heckkk...

I don't even blame him tho I'm sweating bullets and is also internally screaming.

I just whispered to him to slowly go outside and meet with the others.

"wait what about cha..?" Horror replied, wow for someone who kills and eats people he cares about me......how reassuring..

"don't worry about me,
I'll be fine besides I won't go down without a fight..!" I said to him with confidence lacing in my voice, he seemed to trust me and nodded in response.

before he went he waved goodbye to me,I did the same,,.. but before he disappeared he gave me a smile...no,not the type of maniac and fake smile....,, a real smile.

and he went away to meet up with his so called group mates,
............welp,now I'm lonely maybe I should continue reading my yaoi comics.....

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard small footsteps coming this direction,I didn't know what to do so,..I quickly went up to the staircase beside me and hid behind a bookcase..

it was quiet but I still heard the footsteps coming here, it went slower,and slower every step the person took.

until it decided to open the the door with a slight creek going with it.

I didn't know what to do so I kneeled down and hoped to not get seen.

I took a risk and took a peek between the books I was with,I looked at the bookcase in front of me and took a peek...

the guy who went here was the goopy looking octupus?!!
well what a coincidence, now i'm stuck in the library with there so called "Boss" until he leaves.
how convenient.......

he seemed to be reading the book called "The dark phantoms." I also red that book before...

but I didn't know there boss would be the type who'd actually read,like I mean he's very strict and aggressive, seeing him reading a book peacefully,....is just strange.

I was still waiting for him to leave the room....I was also slowly getting sleepy,every second.

I was now having difficulty keeping my eyes open.......until I blacked out.
*A few hours earlier*

Nightmares POV:
I was just seating in my throne when Dust suddenly came in sweating....

"Boss we kinda have a problem..!" said Dust.

"What is it now Dust..?" I said annoyed since he interrupted the silence.

"the cellar where the hostage is supposed to be well there gone..!!!" Dust replied panicked.

I was still annoyed that this idiots didn't keep guarding the hostage,if they were so important....

"WHAT..!" I said with an obvious annoyed expression.

"Find them now..." I said to Dust and everyone else, they nodded before quickly leaving.


I was just relaxing and now we have someone on the loose great,...just great.

I was making my way to the Library when I saw Error and Horror past by me.

I slowly went towards the door of the library,before finally opening it.

this is the only place I can relax right now and if that doesn't work, then I don't know what will...

I was just reading my favorite book "The Dark Phantoms" when I heard a slight sound behind me..

"Cross I swear if that was u,I'm gonna tear u to shreds..." I said before slowly making my way up the staircase,getting ready to see a panicked look of Cross..

but what I saw wasn't really what i expected.
I saw what looks to be someone sleeping beside the bookshelf, they were also wearing what seemed to be a cape and a hoodie,.

they seem to be really hidden about themselves...

I slowly kneeled down beside the person and looked at there hoodie, before putting it down only to be met with a female human....

I didn't know what to react they could've been the hostage Dust and the others,we're talking about but I could be wrong......

I picked up the girl bridal style, and teleported her to my guest room,

I layyed her down on the bed before teleporting away...

I wonder what was a girl like her doing here..,either way I'd found out soon.

                 "End of Chapter."

Achievement unlocked: a new bond with the Leader..?

Achievement unlocked: earned trust..


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