Ashland, Oregon in September 1865

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On a sunny afternoon, Florence Coleman sat with her sister and parents to open her birthday gifts. As Florence opened boxes with new clothes, accessories and fancy toys, she thought to herself how happy she is already. Her parents love her very much, she has a healthy relationship with her older sister, and she lives in the biggest home in town known as the pink palace, what could possibly turn her world upside down? Florence's sister Judy handed her one more wrapped gift. Florence removed the ribbon and paper to reveal a beautiful journal. "I love it Judy, thank you!" Florence says, hugging her sister. The cover was purple, and the pages were clear and ready to hear about Florence's perfect life. "Happy birthday darling." Her mother said. "We love you my dear." "I love you too Father!"

Florence sat down on the couch next to her mother and began writing in it immediately. Around her, Judy began cleaning up the wrappings from Florence's gifts, John Coleman went back outside to the farm and Eunice Coleman went into the kitchen. After Florence finished writing her first message in her journal, she looked up and smiled at Judy. Florence loved her sister very much and she was absolutely beautiful. Her brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail with a blue ribbon and she wore mostly blue dresses. She had glowing brown eyes and a smile that represented moonlight. Florence often reminded Judy of how beautiful she was, and Judy always responded with, "Oh but dear Flo, you are just as beautiful as Mother. You have her raven black hair, and round shiny eyes. Why, you will look exactly like her when you get older." Florence believed that.

"Florence, Judy supper is ready. Judy dear, would you go ring the bell? Your father must be as hungry as a pumpkin." "Yes Mother." Judy stood up and went to ring the bell on the front porch. John came towards the house, wiped off his feet on the mat of the door, put his boots outside and came inside. The family sat at the table as John said Grace for the family. "We give our Thanks and ask to bless our darling Flo's special day, our beloved Judy's poise and kind heart, and for the very happy life style in our home, the pink palace here in Ashland, Oregon." Florence loved her mother's cooking, and really hoped to be just as great when she grows up and has her own children. "Delicious Mother!" Judy says. "Thank you darling." Florence looked at Judy every now and then. She liked how her sister sat up straight, and had really good table manners and dining etiquette. "Eat up Florence, your birthday cake is waiting for you." Eunice reminded.

After dinner, Eunice placed a chocolate cake with vanilla frosting in front of Florence. Not only was Eunice's cooking phenomenal, so was her baking. Judy admitted to helping with the frosting. "It is delicious Mother! Thank you again, all of you!" Florence said. "Nothing is too good for you dear Flo" "Any time dear." "Happy birthday again my love." Eunice replied, embracing her daughter. Florence went to bed that night believing today had to be the best day of her life. She loves special days like this because it brings her family closer together every time. Eunice came by to kiss her daughter goodnight, then blew out the candle in Florence's room. Before going to bed herself, Judy always peeked through Florence's bedroom door to check on her, and that night, Florence fell asleep with a smile on her face.

The following Sunday, John Coleman accompanied his daughters to church while Eunice stayed behind to look after the house. "Mother, are you going to come to church with us someday?" Florence asked while putting on her hat and coat. "Maybe someday." Eunice answered. "Come Flo, we must not be late for service." Florence looked at her sister, then took her hand. "Father, when was the last time mother attended a church service?" "Since you were born my dear." "But that was ten years ago." "I know, your mother has just had a lot to take care of. She believes in God like the rest of us, no need to worry." "Okay Father." The church was filled with Ashland's people when the Colemans walked in and took their seats. They were greeted as if they were royalty because of their luxurious life. Florence copied the way Judy took her seat, taking off her hat and sitting up straight. John sat on the end with his two daughters on the inside.

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