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A now married Florence to Charles Garner spread the word that they're expecting a child to their families. Florence had moved into the house Charles' parents had left to him. Judy and William were now proud parents of little Adam who was three years old and Martha, age eight months. Eunice and John left the Pink Palace to Judy and William. In the meantime, John moved to a smaller home since he was aging, but there was also a problem. Eunice had disappeared after going to the well to fetch water. The whole town had spent months searching for her and the desperate Judy and Florence anxiously waited to hear of the safety of their mother, but it had been almost a year since she disappeared and children from the town were disappearing as well.

Florence came over to the Pink Palace with Charles to see Judy, William and her niece and nephew. Judy answered the door with Adam and Martha not too far behind. "Hello little darlings!" Florence said, when Adam ran up to her. Florence picked him up and Adam put his hands on Florence's cheeks which made her and Judy smile. Martha crawled up to her aunt and drummed on her boot. "Have you heard from Father?" Florence asked. "No, I haven't." Florence and Charles walked in as Judy sat down looking sad. Florence put Adam down and put her hand on Judy's shoulder. "Mother will be found Judy, I have a feeling." Judy looked up to Florence and smiled. "Is Grandma going to be here when Auntie Flo's baby comes?" Adam asked, sounding sad. The little boy had never known his grandmother, but he was desperate to find out who she was and really get to know her. "I hope so my love." William came into the room and wiped away a tear on Judy's face. Charles did the same for Florence. "It's just that Mother would not go anywhere without telling anyone. If she were only going to the well for water, she would have come straight back. Something is not right." "We will find her Judy and all will be as it was before." Judy smiled again, then Florence left quietly with Charles

On Monday when Florence and Charles were home, there was a constant knock on the door that didn't stop until Florence answered it. "William? What are you doing here?" "Florence! You and Charles need to come see this, quick!" Florence rushed to put on her coat, gloves and hat then rushed off the property with Charles. "William, what's going on?" Charles asked. "Is it an emergency?" Florence added. William didn't answer, he just kept having them run. The trio made it back to the pink palace to see a worried Judy and a curious Adam. "Auntie, there's a tiny door in the study!" Florence looked confused. Judy told them to follow her. Florence and Charles took off their shoes and ran into the study. Judy pointed to a small door that no one had seen before. "When did that get there?" Florence asked. "I don't know. Adam pointed it out to me. He said he opened the door and saw a tunnel, but when I opened it, there was just this brick wall." "How peculiar." Charles said. "Very." "I think Grandma was in there." Adam stated. "Mother?" Judy whispered, turning to Florence. "I don't know." "Son, there is only a brick wall here, your grandmother will be found." "But Papa, she was in there! She gave me this key!" Adam handed Judy a black key with a button on the end. "There's something you don't see every day." Charles added. Judy locked the door and put the key in her pocket. "Mama, we have to save Grandma!" "Grandma is not in there my love, go on and play outside, it's lovely outside."

The spring family reunion that year was different, but not only because Eunice wasn't there, but something felt off about the family gathering. The Colemans, Garners and Smiths were not as cheerful as they normally were. There was depression in all of the adults and the house did not ring with happy chatting like it normally did. Florence and Judy sat next to each other, both staring straight ahead with water glasses in their hands. They were like that until their husbands came to distract them. "Come dear, we must go put Martha in bed." Judy went with William to put Martha down leaving Florence with a concerned Charles pulling up a chair and sitting beside her. "You're thinking about your mother again." "Yes, it's not like her to just run off." "She wouldn't run out on you, Judy or anyone in this family as far as that goes. If your sister is right and something is wrong, there is a solution, we just need to find it." Florence knew Charles was trying to make her feel better, but it wasn't working this time. Florence ended up leaving with Charles early because she started to feel sick. "Do get some rest Flo." Judy advised. "Thanks Judy." William led them to the door and watched them leave.

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