Chapter 3

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Hello Lovelies! Quick note. Starting in this chapter, I will be including links to my Polyvore. If you don’t know, Polyvore is a website and app on which you can make collage-esque desplays of outfits and fashion. I will periodically be adding the link to a certain outfit as if it where what somone was currently wearing in the story. If you would like, you can go to the link wherever I add them to check out the outfit related to that part of the story.


I wake up to Hunter jumping on the bed. I groan and throw a pillow at him but he’s uneffected. My eyes glance at the calendar on my wall. June 4th. Then I remember that there is less than a week left till we go to London. Zayn talked with the boys and decided we would fly out on June 8th. Time has crept by slower than I thought was even possible.

My eyes trail to the clock and I notice what time it is and realize that I’m going to be late for our last day of school. I make a mental note to thank Hunter for his annoying behavior this morning bacause it was actually helpful.

I run to my closet and throw on some cropped jeans, a t shirt and my favorite Toms. (**this is one of the outfit links** ) I quickly run my hands through my long blonde waves and tie it into a messy bun. Frantically, I grab my backpack and ruch to my car.


Five minutes later, I’m pulled up in front of Zayn’s house. We have taken turns driving each other to school since the day we passed our driver’s test, which was at the same time because our birthdays are ironically the same day. I see him running down the garden path to my car and he jumps into the passenger seat and looks over at me with a grin.

“What is it?” I ask, wondering what he’s about to say.

“Oh just that it’s our last day of school and we are going to London on Monday!” he replies eagarly.

“I know! I can’t wait. I need to do laundry, and pack, and make sure Mum remembers so she knows I won’t always be here to watch my bro-”

“Woah, whoah El, chill. It’ll be fine but only if you start driving or we are going to be late for our last day!” he cuts me off and nudges me to drive.

“Right. Sorry.” I start the car again and speed off towards the school.


As we are walking to our first class which is Chem for both of us, I notice that the usual last day of school mayhem isn’t going on. All the corridors are empty, everything is quiet. I turn to Zayn who looks just as alarmed as I feel.

“Do you think something happened?” he asks looking in the window of an empty Home Ec room.

“I don’t know. Maybe everyone is just in the East Building? Maybe there is an assembly or something in the auditorium?”

“Well I guess we should go there then,” he pulls me by the arm and we run down the corridors and outside headed toward the Auditorium entrance.

Sure enough, its just an end of year assembly. We quietly sit in the very back of the auditorium so no one notices us come in. But, of course, everyone notices anyway. It feels like every pair of eyes in the room were staring us down to see what we are going to do but we just sit there and stare back at them until they turn around and give their attention back to the Head Teacher. We start laughing but quickly get quiet so we don’t end up in trouble already. Zayn and I have always made a game of staring down anyone who stares at us just to make them feel uncomfortable.

I try my best to listen but end up tuning most of it out. By the time it ends, Chem is over so I walk back to the other building for English and Zayn stays in the East Building for Calc. The day rolls by easily, talking and hanging out most of class, handing in textbook after textbook. Zyan and I both have a free last period so we meet up  to clean out our lockers.

“Being organized just isn’t something I can accomplish I don’t think. Atleast not in my locker,” I say as I throw out gum wrappers, papers from first term, used up notebooks, and several empty chip bags.

Zayn’s locker, however, is a different story. His is always perfectly clean and there is never so much as a binder out of place.

“I don’t get it, how is it that the guy has a perfect locker and the girl’s is a horrific mess all the time?” I say admiring his organizational skills.

“I don’t know. Maybe artistic people are just like that,” he remarks with a wink.

Zayn is the best artist I have ever seen. He could draw better than anyone even with his eyes closed. I’ve always admired that talent in him and wished I was as good as him.

We finish emtying our lockers, which takes me about twice as much time as Zayn  just to get all the trash out. Finally there isn’t a single candy wrapper left. Just then the bell rings and the corridors are instantly chaos. Zayn and I weave our way through the packed rows of lockers and burst outside, free of school for the summer.


We go to Zayn’s house to hang out and play video games for a couple hours. The two of us have grown up playing video games together. Long summer days and weekends in winter have been spent improving our skills.

Zayn’s family is away and we end up playing untill 2 in the morning. At this point Mum probably figured I was planning on staying over night so going home would just land me in trouble. I guess Zayn was thinking the same thing becasue he got up and came back with some sweats and a t shirt for me. I took them from him and went to change. When I got back he had already fallen asleep on the couch. I decided to let him be so I went into his room and crashed on his bed.


Hello Lovelies!

I hope you guys like the Polyvore addition! I think it will be fun.

Sorry if these chapters have been on the short side.

Please comment if anyone has feedback or suggestions for something that I should incorporate in later chapters.

I also had an idea, I might have a playlist for Crazy Confusion. What do you guys think? Leave a comment please!

It would mean the world if you voted and became a fan!

Thanks to everyone who has read so far. See you next Fanfic Friday!

-Isabelle xx

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