Not Alcoholic

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Tsuna loves his sweets. It's nothing new to the famiglia that their sky is head over heels with his addiction. Chocolates especially.

Classic brown, white chocolate, dark heaven, minty one, the fruity taste, even the spicy type. There's no discrimination when it comes to the chocolate.

Everyday, every moment, at least there would be one chocolate product with him. Be it a chocolate bar, pocky-snack, a candy, or hot choco in the morning.

It honestly took a lot of his will power not to eat the ever so delicious looking but poisoned one. His craving is ridiculous and it got worse once he officially took the mantle.

With that being said, Valentine has always been his favorite holiday. Not just he'd got a literal mountain worth of chocolate, he also gets to enjoy them with his family. Not to mention their smiles when he gave them a hoke-made chocolate of his own. The sight was something to die for.

This year's Valentine was no exception.

It was only 2 in the morning, yet on his side of dining table, there has been a whole stack of chocolate piling up. He chuckled fondly knowing that they are most likely from the maids and butlers. He had seen them getting both shy and restless when they tried to hand the sweets themselves in previous years. So he had asked the head butler and Bianchi to collect them— checking for the corrupted ones is implied— and ever since then the pile only grow bigger on size.

Taking a seat whilst he waits for his guardian, he reached out for the box with holographic wrapper. There was a yellow note attached to it.

[Happy Valentine. Don't get used to it] Written neatly but obviously faked. It was too carefully scribbled, and it perked his interest. 

There are many boxes that were left anonymous with no note whatsoever, but this one... the person wanted him to know that it was genuinely made for him. But whoever they are, they don't want to expose themselves.

Are they shy? Not comfortable? Scared of rejection?

Guess he wouldn't have known.

Opening the black box, free of the sparkling cover, he blinked. 'It looked professional' And the implications were tilted on how these are home made. 'Well, they did an astonishing job!' He was delighted already.

Plopping a piece into his mouth, his eyes widens as he carelessly let out a sinful moan as he savors the flavor.

"What the heck, this is amazing???" Despite his love of sweets, he's rather picky on creating his top tier list, yet this one manage to bias-wrecked him as simple as that?

Oh, he's so going to hunt whoever made this heavenly treat.

—Sadly to no avail...

6 months go by. All ever he know is the fact that it was an alcohol induced chocolate. Other than that none, nothing, nada.

The box was already on the pile, Bianchi and Alonzo, the head-butler did not get to check that one. Neither of the security camera picked up any oddness. It's just there. 

And it's crazy how simple mystery as it is made the big boss of underworld turned mad as hatter.

Days by days after that, every time he gets a free time, Tsuna would spend few minutes daily to investigate where the chocolate came from, who made it, while wondering on when will he ever taste it again.

All of his chocolate consumption has changed to the alcohol ones. He even asked many chocolatier among the world to make him one that tasted exactly like that, still hoping that one day he'd hit a jackpot. Yet until present days, he still haven't find the correct one. Always too much, the taste is always overboard— wanting to please. That's not what he seeks.

"Dame-Tsuna" His advisor called out, sounded pretty pissed. Yet the don just simply plopped another chocolate ball into his mouth.

"You're drunk." The hitman said, aura darkens when he slurs. "Nooo waaaay~ I dunt drink~"

"This is getting ridiculous, idiot. The bills on your Chocolate addiction is worse than destruction your guardians made all combined. What do you have to say about yourself"

Then again, Tsuna is drunk. And when he does, nothing else matter, not even Reborn's wrath.

The brunet sobs. "I just... want to taste it again..."

Okay, he was not expecting that.

Then again, Tsuna never actually explain the reason behind the sudden change. All that they knew is that he's like that after Valentine over. 

"Taste what?" The former Sun Arcobaleno almost growled, losing his patience.

However, instead of a reply, the sky only took out a wrapper as his answer. All wrinkled and less sparkly, but Reborn can still recognized it— Not that he would ever mentioned it aloud.

"You're all smitten for this"

The young man just pitifully nods. "You don't understand, Reborn. It's so freaking good! I want more of it. But no one can recreate the taste, it's ridiculous!"

"No. You're being ridiculous, Dame-Tsuna. How could you lose your stupor because of a simple sweet?" —If look could kill, that brunet would have died over and over.

Yet the former just slouch. "Fuck off. I'm tired of getting all stressed out. Let me have my peace of heaven and I will think of my posture."

The hitman was baffled. Did he really just—

"Fine" Guess he can't be winning this. "If I can get you one of those stupid treat, will you finally act like a real boss?"

Sitting straight up, those glossy brown eyes rounded, "Wait, for real? Will you actually do that?"


Oh my god, the sparkles.

Reborn could have sworn that his ex-student was replaced with a literal angel. White wings and full of Light. A devil, spartan of Satan like him could never...

"Yes. Now stop procrastinating on your work, Actually eat your meals, And then I'll give you the goddamn chocolate"

It was nothing new for the hitman that once in a while his boss would surprise him with his antics, but never once he thought that he'll beat him in term of speed— When did Tsuna get this close???

Before he knew it, he was being tackled down, and now the two is stumbling over the sofa, the younger latched onto him in tight hug, their position is awkward if anyone were ever to walked in.

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" That Neo Vongola Primo giggled in glee, overjoyed whilst still pretty much intoxicated.

"Oi, Dame-Tsuna. Gets off me" The brunet never bothered, deep inside he knew that the fedora-man won't actually kill him. He didn't even mind when he was being kicked across the room. 

"This stupid student of mine, I swear" Reborn sighed as he fixed his tux before leaving his crazy boss on his own accord. Guess giving that chocolate was a mistake on his part—

But for real tho, Tsuna's not alcoholic, only a sweet addict. He's just especially giddy to find out who's his secret admirer.


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