Wanna play?

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A/N: Short Chapter! Also the story is currently set back on the bus in Sao Paulo Brazil, a couple weeks after the last chapter.

I jumped down from my bunk wary of the sleeping Zayn, inches away. I looked to the couch area and saw Liam sitting, playing video games on the television.

"Liam what the hell are you doing its-" I paused to look at the clock on the microwave. "It's 3 am!"

"Oh I couldn't sleep. FIFA helps." He responded motioning to the tv with his controller his eyes not moving from it.


"Yea. You ever played?" He asked pausing the game and having a slice of pizza.

"I have actually. Only a couple times with my brother. Although that version was pretty old. I'm probably rubbish at this one."

"Ah rubbish. Our British is rubbing off on you." He noted handing me the spare controller. "Wanna play?"

"Sure!" I sat down next to him instantly becoming familiar with the controls of the game. "Although I've gotta say I think all the influence goes to Tom Hiddleston who was around way before you." He laughed as he started the game.

"Tie breaker?"

"Bring it on Payno."

"Eyyyy." I raised my hands up in triumph

"Aw shut it." Liam tossed the controller onto the couch. "You must've had practice when did you last play?"

"2010 bitchhh."

"Ah you're so lying."

"Ok ok. I may or may not've played with Lou a few weeks ago."


"Well it's not like I had much practice. Kid's got a lil anger issue." He laughed before taking another sip of water. "Well I'm still not tired. What do you want to do?"

"Ooo. We could post on Twitter asking the fans for funny questions or dares we could send pictures of us doing."

"Yessss. Great idea go, go." Within minutes we had thousands of replies and started scrolling through them. "Wait we should start with the easy ones and then do more of the challenging ones."

"Yea yea good idea. Here this one says do a handstand."

"Aww shame looks like we HAVE to go outside." I said getting up from the couch and leaning on the door.

"Awww what a shame..." He said giggling and grabbing his phone beginning to film.

"Ok, ok. Shhhhh stop laughing you'll wake security!" I giggled along with him as he set the phone up on the ground, it still filming. I ran backwards to where Liam was standing. "Ok count of three."

"One, two three." We threw ourselves up into our handstand each holding as long as we could. When I fell back down I looked over at Liam who had started to do a walking handstand.

"Oh show off." I scoffed before walking over and pushing him over, him tumbling to the ground. I squealed as he got up quickly and started chasing me around the parking lot.


We both froze as a flashlight shone on the two of us.

"Jesus. Liam! Amy! Get back to bed!"

We nodded and ran quickly to get the phone and go back inside the bus.

"Oop. Still filming. Bye guys!" Liam whispered to the phone once we finally came back inside. "Well that was fun."

"Indeed." I nodded in reply, taking off my shoes.

"Welp. I'll post the video. Although... If we ever have anymore sleepless nights we know what to do." He shrugged his shoulders before throwing himself onto his bed causing Louis and Harry to stir in the bed under him.

"True true! Goodnight Payno."

"Night kid."

I climbed back into my bunk with Niall who immediately wrapped his arms around my waist. I don't know how he never wakes up whenever I come back. He's a light sleeper with all of his tossing and turning. But I'm glad he doesn't wake up whenever I return because I don't want to explain to him why I'm not asleep. Probably because I wouldn't be able to give him an answer. A day of filming for the movie and a concert tomorrow. Phew. I really need to get more sleep.

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