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Taehyung's POV
Who am I?
Where am I?
Why don't I remember anything?
Am I... dead?

I look around trying to figure out where I am, but all I see are clouds and the sky itself. It feels like I'm floating, weightless. Just then I hear a voice.

"Yes. You're dead."

I turn my head around immediately seeing no one. I can't seem to find where the source of the voice is coming from.

"Do you want another chance to relive the same life?"

Who is this person? Relive the same life..?

"May I ask a question?" I responded.

"Of course, ask away, Kim Taehyung."

Kim Taehyung.? This is my name?

I thought for a bit, thinking of a question. Then I slowly responded.

"What was my past life like?"

It took a while for this voice to respond. Within five minutes they responded back.

"You were a kind hearted man. You made plenty of friends in your past life. Your past career was an idol from a globally popular K-Pop group named BTS. You were fairly close with your fellow members, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin, and Jeon Jungkook. All seven of you were successful and enjoyed your careers."

I must have had a good life...

"How old was I and how did I die?" I responded, pleased with their answer.

"Would you like it if I returned your memories?"

They're giving back my memories?

"Yes please."

Without a waste of time, a flood of memories came rushing through my head, remembering the painful, fun, and happy memories. Everything. Though it felt painful having everything come back, I was crying. Crying not from the pain of memories coming back, but crying when I remembered the way I died.

It was a stormy day just like the atmosphere between me and the members. We all got into an argument about how Jin should enlist into the military early. Jin took the argument very seriously since it affected him a lot. Yoongi and Namjoon suggested that it'd be good if Jin left early so he could come back. Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok disagreed. They wanted Jin the stay until he was called. The argument was very heated. Jin didn't want this at that moment and he left the living room in tears since he couldn't break off the argument.

"Look what you guys did!" Namjoon said sternly. "Jin is crying because of this! You guys need to calm down!"

"Calm down?!" Yelled Jimin. "We just want to spend the last times with Jin before he gets enlisted!"

"Guys, this is the best choice, if we don't do this, we may as well not finish the contract all together as a group." Yoongi said.

Jungkook was on the verge of tears as he wanted to have the happiest memories all together. Hoseok then stood up next to Jimin, holding onto his left shoulder.

"Don't you guys want to be happy together as a group for a little longer?" Hoseok softly said with tears rolling down his tears. Gripping onto Jimin's shoulder harder.

Namjoon sighed and left the room. Hoseok ran off to the bathroom the clean himself up and Jimin followed him. Then there was the three of us. Yoongi, Jungkook, and me.

"It's my fault isn't it.." I said feeling hot tears come down my cheeks.

"Of course it is! You brought up about the enlistment plans in the first place Taehyung!" yelled Jungkook, grabbing Tae's shirt tightly.

Yoongi and Tae were surprised by the younger's action. As Tae looked into Jungkook's eyes, he could see the fury and pain in them. He wondered if Jungkook could see the same pain and anger he felt as well, but Jungkook was blinded by his emotions. Yoongi then breaks us apart, making Jungkook angrier.

"Because of you.. we wouldn't be in this mess! You, being a dumbass, had to ruin everything!" Jungkook yelled once again.

   Shocked and hurt, Tae let more tears fall down his face. Each word that came out of Jungkook's mouth tore Tae's heart even more. Taehyung's legs were trembling and weak, he fell onto his knees crying. He didn't understand why Jungkook would say hurtful things in a situation like this. Jungkook was the second closest to him and they would never get into heated arguments.

   Just then, Tae saw a shadow in front of him. As he looked up, due to the tears, he saw the blurred figure grab Jungkook by the collar and yelled back at Jungkook with a harsh slap.

"What the fuck are you saying to him?!"


"It's his fault we're in the mess, Jimin.." Jungkook breathed out.

"You have no right to say that to someone that means so much to you!" Jimin cried out.

"Jimin.." Tae croaked out.

   The three pair of eyes moved onto Taehyung, who's still on the floor, weak from taking in these harsh emotions at the moment.

"Let's just stop this... it's useless at this point. I-I don't want to see  violence between us." Tae wiped his tears and replaced his frown with that cute smile which brings a warm feeling to people when seeing it. This time though, it didn't work. Jimin felt his heart ache as he saw what Tae was trying to do.

"Tae.." Yoongi said with shock. He's never seen Taehyung look so destroyed and heartbroken at this point.

   Jungkook, still frustrated, scoffed and left the living room. The three could hear his footsteps going up the stairs and figured that he's heading to his room.

   Taehyung left the room too but instead of heading to his room like the others, he wanted to go outside to calm himself down. He grabbed whatever sweater was on the coat hanger, grabbed a pair of sneakers, a mask, and left the house. When he left, it was just Jimin and Yoongi alone in the living room. Hoseok sitting on the bathroom floor crying. Namjoon comforting Jin in their shared bedroom. Lastly, Jungkook in his shared room with Taehyung.

   On Taehyung's walk, he got to admire the view of the city at night. It was beautiful. The dark sky, the cold breeze making the trees sway, the city lightings, everything. He was fond of Seoul's views.
   But it seemed that luck wasn't on his side. Someone grabbed Taehyung by the arm and dragged him near an alleyway where the lights were dim. Taehyung was tossed to the floor and was ready to get up when he heard a cocked gun. He slowly looked up to see the pistol in front of his face.

"Give me all of your money." The mysterious man strictly said. The voice was deep and sent shivers down Tae's spine.

   Taehyung took a deep breathe and calmly responded,

"I'm sorry sir, I don't have any money-"


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