Year Six.

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Lucius Malfoy grabbed me and tossed me to the ground, he pointed his wand at me, and mouthed something inaudible. As a stream of green light emitted from the tip of his wand, Lucius began to change shape, shifting into Draco, and...

I shot up in bed, a cold sweat pouring from my forehead, tears threatening to overflow from my eyes, and my heart was beating so painfully that it felt like someone had punched me in the chest. I hugged my knees and buried my face into them, struggling to take soothing breaths.

This dream had been recurring since the Death Eaters attacked us at the Ministry. I hadn't told anyone about it, not my friends or my parents. Mother's intuition clued my mum in that something was wrong, and she had been made well-aware of the incident, so I supposed she thought I was still traumatized from that, and in a way she was right. Lucius being a Death Eater and attacking me and my friends had really fucked up my psyche, but the thing torturing my brain the most was: Is Draco a Death Eater? Or would he become one, if he wasn't already?

I couldn't let that happen to him. I refused to let him follow in his father's footsteps. A plan to prevent that had yet to be concocted, but I promised myself that this year, I had to do something. Before it was too late.

"Sloane! Hurry or you'll miss the train!" Mother called from downstairs.

I showered and threw on some clothes, not really bothering with fixing my hair or makeup. Mother met me at the door and her face twisted up in disgust.

"You look awful, darling." She looked horrified at my outfit: yoga pants, Converse sneakers, and a sweater knitted by Molly, that she had accidentally made too large, but joked it off saying I would grow into it.

"I didn't sleep very well," I admitted.

Her face fell into a look of concern. She hurried over and placed a kiss on my forehead, "I'm sorry, Sloane. It'll get better.... But honestly, come along or we'll be late."

I boarded the train in search of my three best friends, feeling slightly improved since this morning. I couldn't seem to find them as I passed one train car after another, and wondered if they'd managed to get into more trouble causing them to miss the train ride.

I collided with a blur of blonde hair and panicked, thinking I'd stumbled right into Draco.

"Ooh, Sloane," Came a song-like voice. "I'm so sorry, Spectrespecs make it difficult to see in front of me."

"Luna!" I pulled her into a hug, which she returned, but very awkwardly. "W-What're Spectrespecs, exactly?"

The Spectrespecs were oddly-shaped pink glasses with swirling pink and blue lenses.

"They're for seeing Wrackspurts," She giggled and set them on top of her head. "You're looking for something."

"Yes. Have you seen Harry? Or Ron and Hermione?"

She shook her head slowly, a small smile forming on her lips, "No, I suspect they'll be along soon. Quibbler?"

Luna handed me a copy of The Quibbler, the strange magazine she was always reading. I took it and thanked her, and she continued on her way, handing more copies out to others she passed.

She was so odd, but I adored her.

I kept walking until finally spotting the trio seemingly having an intense conversation in one of the compartments.

"...Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater," Hermione said to Ron right as I opened the door.

My heart stopped beating, "What?"

Distant Memories; A Draco Malfoy love story. Where stories live. Discover now