Chapter two

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Chapter two
I groan, kicking off my shoes as I enter through my front door. My back aches from a long shift at the dinner that I was forced to take or else I would miss yet another payment. With hospital bills and just regular everyday bills, I could barely afford to keep my water running.

I shrugged off my coat, hanging it on the rack.

The house is completely empty tonight. Nico is staying the night at the hospital and as much as I want to be with him, it is four in the morning and I don't think the staff will appreciate me showing up in the midst of the night. But I will see him bright and early in the morning, as early as I can. Nico will most likely complain that I woke him up early but I have to see him.

I head into the living room, picking up some of Nico's toys. Barbie dolls, superheroes, action figures, cars and baby dolls litter the floor. I swear Nico took out every single one of his toys he owned last night. He wanted to make sure they each got equal playing time so no one would feel left out.!At least he was having fun though. If only I could teach him to pick up after himself.

It seemed like such an insignificant thing to teach when his life would be so short. The doctors had already told me he would most likely not make it to seven, but I still had hope. He just had to make it longer, he had to. Or I don't know what I would do, I might as well die myself without him.

I toss all the toys into the bin before heading into the kitchen. It is almost as bad as the living room. I toss the paper plates into the trash. We solely used paper plates since we can't wash ceramic plates if our water gets shut off, like it is now. I was late paying the bill this month but they assured me it would be on soon.

Once the house is fully picked up, and I've spent an hour cleaning, I finally decide to call it a night.

The pitter of the rain is oddly soothing, bringing up old memories that I wish I could forget but Sawyer seemed to always come to mind when it rains. All of our biggest moments were in the rain. When we first kissed, homecoming, prom night, the first time we had sex, when he broke up with me. All of it happened when it was raining.

I pushed the thoughts away, changing out of my disgusting clothes, that smelled like dinner food, and into a clean pair of pajamas.

They were not attractive to say the least, being hot pink and containing bunnies all over them but Nico had picked it out for me. And it was the only pair I had. I often wore it when we were apart, just so I could have a piece of him with me.

Plus, it isn't like anyone is going to see me anyway.

I stared in the mirror, my dark eyes sunken in with deep bags under them, my skin paler than usual from dehydration, my long brown hair, which had once been tied into a bun, now lay rested in one big knot. I was a mess.

I sighed, working to untangle my hair. Several loud rips rang through the room as I freed my hairband, multiple strands of hair tagging along for the ride, I stared at the shreds of my hair attached to the band.

My brush looked about ready to snap in two as it attempted to handle the rat nest that was my hair.

I finally manage to untangle it, most of my hair now in the hairbrush, and quickly toss it into a braid. I look completely ridiculous as I stare at myself in the mirror but there isn't much time for luxuries when you have to work three jobs and care for a child.

I yawn, stretching my arms as I roll onto my bed. My ears listen to the slight patter of the rain as I fly under my covers, thankful to finally lay down after what felt like forever.

My eyes finally start to drift closed, sleep taking over me. It of course doesn't last long, it never does. Three, long pounds bolt me away from my slumber. I groan, rubbing my eyes, the usual delusion and confusion that happens when you first wake up, takes over. Three more loud knocks.

I sigh, rolling my head over to check the time. It is five in the morning.

Who would be here at five in the morning?

No one ever comes to my house. I don't have many friends, Delilah being my only one, so it definitely isn't that. My parents wouldn't be caught up before the crack of dawn. I don't know anyone else. I don't have much time to make nice with people when I am constantly working. I have a couple friends from work but they are more acquaintances than anything.

And, even  if I am their friend, I will never tell them where I live. I would be ashamed to show someone my house. It rarely has the basic necessities. It lacks food, just enough for Nico to have everything he could eat. Sometimes there isn't water or electricity, it depends on what bills I can afford that month. The house itself is falling apart, you could snap the cabinet doors off if you pulled hard enough.

Having people over isn't really an option for me.

Whoever is at my door knocks again.

The possibility of it being a killer crosses my mind but the thought seems ridiculous. Right?

They pounded awfully hard for someone with kind intentions.

I approach the door hesitantly. Three more furious knocks.

I debate leaving them outside, whoever it is. They can't stay for long and for all I know, it's a murderer. I don't feel like dying today.

I stand behind the wall, peering at the front door. It shakes from the ferocity of their knocks.

"I know you're in there," a deep, husky voice shouted.

My blood chills.

Oh crap.

He pounds again.

I approach the door hesitantly, making my steps as silent as possible, his relentless knocking never taking a break.

I peer through the peephole.

My breath hitches in my throat at the sight of the man I never thought I would see again. Without taking a second to think, my body taking over, I swing the door open in a heartbeat.

He stands before me, his shirt stuck to his body from the rain, enunciating every curve of his muscles, which seem to have grown from the last time I saw him. His dark curly hair is matted to his forehead, giving him a slight boyish appearance. He huffs, clearly out of breath, almost as if he had ran. His body shakes uncontrollably, no doubt from the rain that had drenched his clothes and body.

He looks even more attractive in person.

His piercing green eyes lock with mine, "It's been a long time, Beauty,"

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