Chapter Five

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Chapter Five
I met Sawyer outside the hospital at noon. It was one of the few times my family wouldn't be there. I didn't want them to know Sawyer was back in my life, even if it was only temporary. But if the plan went as it should, the whole country would know I was 'dating' Sawyer Wright by the end of the week. Word would spread like wildfire. I could see the headlines now, 'Has Sawyer Wright found Mrs. Right?' or something cheesy like that.

I could tell them one thing, he has not found Mrs. Right. Perhaps I was once his Mrs. Right, but that was before he left me alone, crying in the middle of a football field, in the pouring rain.

Sawyer looked like a mess when I found him outside the hospital, sitting on one of the broken stone benches. He was dressed in a long sleeve, maroon button up, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. It took me a while to realize why I recognized it. I had given it to him when we were teenagers. It was a miracle he still fit in.

I wondered if he had even realized where the shirt was from or if he had just grabbed a random shirt this morning, too much in a hurry to get to whatever he had planned for the day.

I approached him cautiously, not generally excited about his presence. Maybe this was a bad idea. I mean, Nico thinks so highly of Sawyer, I don't want him to find out the truth and be let down. Sawyer was a scumbag and a player at heart.

I shoved my hands in my pocket, moving to stand in front of him. It was one of the few times I would ever be taller than him. The second he stood up all that would disappear and I would be staring at his chest, one of the things I never really enjoyed when we were dating. I'm short, to say the least, guess I didn't get good genes. Sawyer has always been the tallest one in the room and the two of us paired together was a sight to see. Either he would have to bend way down to kiss me, or pick me up. I couldn't even reach him by standing on my tip toes. He never seemed to mind though, not even once. He had no problem bending down or lifting all a hundred pounds that was my body if it meant kissing me.

I pushed away the thoughts. He's not that guy anymore. He'd made that very clear.

He glanced up from his spot where he had previously been watching his bouncing leg. "Hi."

I nodded, skipping the formalities, "Come on." I gestured towards the doors, not even bothering to see if he was following, before heading in that direction.

The nurses greeted me with a smile, some even started a small conversation. Everyone loved Nico, he was a hit with everyone in the building, therefore by association, I was quite popular myself. I was sure most didn't know my name, soley referring to me as Nico's mother but I didn't mind. It made Nico smile to see everyone.

Their attention didn't stay on me very long, switching immediately to the tall, brooding figure behind me. I swear I could see them drooling. I rolled my eyes as I watched the girls struggle to function, one nearly ramming into one of the patients. I snorted out a laugh.
Delilah was already in the seat next to Nico by the time I got there. "Wait outside." I instructed Sawyer.

Nico's eyes lit up as he say me. "Mommy!"

I rushed over to him, tickling his stomach as I planted kisses all over his face. He giggled hysterically, trying to swat me away. Delilah laughed beside me before pulling me into a hug. "How are you, lovely?"

Delilah and I had been best friends ever since I started working at the diner. She was there for me when I went through my divorce and when Nico got sick. She's been through everything with me.

Her long blond hair tickled my neck as she hugged me. "You wouldn't believe who's outside the door." I whispered to her.

She knew all about Sawyer, every little detail. She hated the guy to say the least.

Her expression was hesitant, as she stared at me with worrisome curiosity, "That doesn't sound very good."

I gave her a sheepish smile, "You can't freak out, I promise to explain everything later."

Her hazel eyes were wide, "Okay, I promise, but you better give me an explanation."

I nodded before turning to my son, "I have a surprise for you." I told him.

His sparkling green eyes lit up, he loved surprises to say the least.

"You can come in!" I called to the guy standing awkwardly in the hallway. He hesitantly stepped into the doorway, wiping the sweat off his palms onto his jeans, taking a deep breath.

I swear Nico stopped breathing as he stared up at his hero in awe. Delilah, on the other hand, her gaze turned stone cold as she glared daggers into the back of Sawyer's head.

Sawyer cleared his throat quickly, "Hi little man." His voice was shaken and I had to suppress my amusement.

The guy looked terrified of my kid, as if he thought that if he got near Nico, I would just randomly burst out 'oh, by the way, he's yours'.

Nico squealed, jumping up from his spot in the bed and crushing to Sawyer's legs.

Sawyer let out a shaky laugh.

I glanced to Delilah, who looked like she was about to kill Sawyer. She gave me a look to say that I better have a stellar reason as to why my ex was meeting my son.

"How old is he?" Sawyer questioned, ruffling Nico's thick curls.

The question caught me off guard. "Uh," I stuttered, not sure of what to say.

"He's four!" Delilah covered for me quickly.

Nico, too amazed by Sawyer's presence, didn't even notice our deliberate attempt to get Nico's age wrong. The five year old little boy kept his attention trained on his favorite football player.

Sawyer nodded, unapparent to the tension in the air.

Delilah and I sighed as Sawyer turned his attention back to Nico. She gripped my arm, her nails digging in as she dragged me out of the room. I followed, not to fond of leaving my son alone with The Beast. We stayed just outside the door, so I could still watch Nico, who was having the time of his life, his little curls flattened to his forehead as he crushed Sawyer's leg to death.

"Are you crazy?" She seethed.


"Look, I have good reason."

"You better! What are you thinking letting him near your son? What if he-" she paused, not willing to risk him overhearing, "What if he, you know?"

I did know, I knew exactly what she was talking about. I had worried about that myself, it was a risk, but I needed the money for Nico.

"Mar, he's going to find out, it's obvious. As as stupid as I think he is, he can't be that stupid."

My heart pounded against my chest, I knew all of this was too risky. What if she's right?

"I have to, Delilah. I don't have a choice, and look, I can't tell you here but I promise I'll tell you later. I have a good reason."

"What are you going to do if he does find out?"

I spoke with absolute, feigned, certainty, "He won't. I'll
Make sure of it."

At least, I really hoped he didn't.

I glanced back to the only two men in my life I've ever truly loved. Nico giggled as Sawyer told his the story of his first game. I had told Nico the story a hundred times, but Nico had never been so enthralled by the story.

"I'm doing this for Nico," I whispered to Delilah.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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