Chapter 3- What's up, Gang!

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       ✨ Time skip ✨

          After work, I went over to my house to change into my best clothing that I had. Bruno Bucciarati always came home in his same clothes, so I don't think that I will be changing my clothes once I meet the gang until a while. I put on black jeans, a black jacket that is cut on the left side, and black combat boots. As I put my messy h/c hair into two buns, I wondered what some of the gang members would think about me. 

  Will they like me? Will they like my style? Will they think I'm powerful or weak?  To block of my thoughts, I thought about becoming friends with some of Bruno's friends.

    ✨ Another Time Skip ✨

As I was rushing to the meeting, I noticed my favorite song play on the radio. I started to sing along with it, because I somehow knew the song, but didn't know how I knew it..

  Anyways, once I parked my motorcycle and headed towards the plaza, I wanted to make sure their were no enemy stand users around. Ever since the incident with Bruno, I always am sure to be aware of my surroundings. As you sat down on one of the railings that lead up some stares, I wondered when they would come.

   I waited an hour, nobody came.  Are they really coming? It's almost close to dark. You thought.

As you were about to jump off the rail to head home though, you realized a teenager was sitting next to you, one with a beanie and a arrow cut out of it. 

" Your Y/N, right? Sorry we were late, Fugo wanted to keep Nara- " Before the boy could talk any longer, he realized that you had fallen of the railing and on to the ground out of shock. " Oh my god, are you okay Y/N? I didn't even notice that I di- " 

   As he slid off the rail to help me, though, he ended up face- planting into my breasts. I was really shocked by this, but laughed because of how hardly he was trying to say it was an accident. " Y/N! I PROMISE IT WASNT ON PURPOSE RUFJSKSKDJ " I laughed at him and then assured him that it was fine. " It's fine, really, I know it was an accident, Mista. " he then stopped screaming and darted his gaze at me.

   " Now, how do you know my name? Did Bruno Bucciarati tell you or something? He better not be talking shit about me. " He scoffed. " No, he just rambles about you guys sometimes if he has nothing to talk about, you know. His motherly instincts. " He then chuckled at my comment, and then we both heard another voice coming our direction. 

" Somebody is hitting on the new kiddd ~~ " said Narancia from a far,while Fugo was nudging at him to stop. " Sorry about that, Y/N, Narancia will tend to be like this. Sadly, it's his personality trait at this point. " 

   Fugo sighed as Narancia started growl at him like a while dog, and then I saw my brother follow in behind them with Abbachio and Giorno. " Hey! Fugo and Narancia, behave yourself so we have a guest comin- o- oh, hello Y/N! I see that you already acquainted Narancia and Fugo... sorry about that. They can be rough like this sometimes, so you'll get used to it. " 

   I ran over to Bruno without hesitation, but made sure not to hurt his arm. As I threw my arms around him, he let out a small gasp before hugging me back. I missed him so much I couldn't even believe I was hugging him while he was in this condition. As I let go, he turned me around and grabbed me by my waist, pulling me into his arms. 

 " Everyone, I would like you to meet my little sister, Y/N Bucciarati. " I was blushing because he called me by my last name, and it was embarrassing for him to mention it since he was so powerful and everybody knew him well. 

    Narancia and Mista then raised a finger and pointed at Bruno, both yelling, " WHAT THE HECK, YOU NEVER TOLD US YOU HAD A SISTERRRRR?!?!?! " to which I laughed under my breathe a bit. " Relax, Bruno never thought about telling you guys because you two are such fuckin blabber mouths. " Abbachio whispered loud enough for the whole squad to hear. 

    Narancia and Abbachio kept roasting eachother after that, saying things like, " YOUR MAMA SO FAT THANOS HAD TO SNAP TWICE! " to which Abbachio would always reply with musically comebacks like " I would burn you, but my mom said I'm not aloud to burn trash. " I laughed the whole time, while Bruno watched with his arms crossed as he noticed me laughing on the ground crying, while Giorno was asking if I was okay. (Haha ☺️ ) 

 Mista scuffed and the suggested, " Instead of accusing eachother about having small hairlines, let's ask Y/N to introduce herself. " 

     As everyone agreed to his request, and once everyone had looked my direction, they all noticed I was on the ground dying of laughter. " BAHAHAJAJDJXJCNDJCNDhsjdjsjsmshc- haha.. ha. Um..... " I got up and realized they wanted me to speak, so before anyone could say anything, I  stood up and said my line when anyone asked me to introduce.

  Oh, Hi, my name is Y/N Bucciarati. Im 18, I'm good at chugging milk cartons and video games, and I am also a major in art. Bruno has taught me some tricks so I know how to kick ass, but don't expect me to be on X -games mode all the time. I'm pretty chill in my opinion, so if you need any advice, my brain is your local therapy department. And you? "

 Everyone just stared at me, and then Mista and Narancia began to clap. I then rolled my eyes and before I knew it, it was already time for us to head back home. Before I left for home though,  Bruno made a zipper in the ground as everybody was leaving and pushed me in it with me.

  " Y/N, I wanted to tell you something, but I couldn't say it in front of everyone. " 


You were really confused, but let him keep talking. " Since my arm is in bad condition right now, I'm not in the shape to do many things right now with the gang. So, I will need to count on you to handle the rest of the while I heal at home. 

 WHAT?! Have ME be the LEADER of a FREAKING GANG?!? Am I even cut out for this yet? Of course I have practice, but I've never had so much pressure on me all at once!!! 

 " I don't know, Bruno. I mean what if I suck bal- "

" first off, Y/N, don't use ball sacks in your vocabulary, and second, I know you will do perfect. Just like you saved me when you were only 3. I know that your soul will show you what to do, so don't be scared. I love you, little sister! And I promise, I will be back soon. "

" Fine, I will take your place, just don't expect me to do anything crazy, Bruno! " 

He then smiled at me, before coming out of the zipper with me, as me and him rushed to the car.


[ Gunshot ]     Mista  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now