It's not so easy being a gang member. After your brother, Bruno Bucciarati joined the gang, he always made sure that you were safe and that you stayed away from his gang life, until one day your brother was injured during a fight, and he instructed...
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I was coming back home from playing at the park with Bruno, and it started to rain harshly so we were heading back. All I can remember was falling over, almost from some kick, and I didn't see my brother after that. When I woke up though, I was on the same sidewalk, desperately looking for my brother threw the burning rain that had now shriveled up my skin. As I was looking, I heard a small voice throughout the rage of water droplets falling from the sky. I began to run toward the voice, only to see my brother, Bruno Bucciarati, being beaten on the ground by a gang of drug- dealers.
" Y/N! Mama! Papa! " He screamed, hoping that someone would help him, or even at the time to be saved by the group of men. He was only 5 at the time, and I was only 3. I didn't know what to do, but before I could think of anything as I watched my brother be scarred and bruised, a magical thing had happened.
An almost human looking girl was standing next to the men, but she was in the sky. She then introduced herself.
" Hello, Y/N. My name is Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, but you can call me Lucy. I see that your brother, Bruno is being attacked at the moment, and I can deal with those rather scary men if you would like. "
I was in shock, but at the same time was the most relived I had ever been. " ye- yes please, Lucy " I whispered.
Before I could blink, the magic lady started to connect her lips with one of the men, and I thought I was tricked, and that I had been fooled just like I always had been, a fool. I was wrong, as right before I thought of running Lucy started to spin rapidly, fast enough, so that the mans head had been tore off. She redid that motion for all of the men, until one was left which she punched to death.
I thought it was very strange at the time, because none of the men could see her, except for me and Bruno, and now I know Lucy as my stand. My brother also has one as it turns out, and his is called Sticky Fingers. After the fight, Bruno was fortunately able to get up, as I helped him get back up.
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The picture above is what Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds looks like.
" Y/N, tha- thank you. I always knew I could count on you, little sister. " He then gave me a weak smile, as his cheek had been bruised. After that day, Bruno had been determined to become a good gang leader, and he had wanted to make a gang of his own to stop the spread of drugs, which he ended up creating now. Bruno doesn't want me to join his gang, because he says as a brother, he should protect me, as I did for him.