Morning after thanksgiving (Remus x reader)

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You wake up in an unfamiliar room. You barely remember a thing from yesterday. You remember ditching your family so you could spend thanksgiving with the sides. All you can remember after that is Remus constantly giving you alcohol. That's just about it.


You're under the covers and you got drunk last night.... you lift up the green blanket your laying under to make sure you're wearing pants.

Suddenly, you hear someone behind you. "Don't worry. You didn't do shit last night. The closest I got to sleeping with you was- well... sleeping in the same bed with you." You look to your side and wonder how you didn't notice it before. Remus was holding onto your waist without any blankets. All he had on was his boxers. You're legs we're in between his legs.

"I- how??????" You questioned.

"How did you stay sober enough I wasn't able to touch wands with you or how did we get in this position?" Remus questioned.

You blushed and tried to ignore that first part. "How did we get in this position?? How did I not notice it??" You asked.

"I did this while you were asleep. You didn't wake up. That's the good thing about being drunk. Your house could burn down and you wouldn't even notice. If you did notice, you would  be sober enough to fully understand what's going on." Remus responded

You decided not to ask how he knew that.

You and Remus just laid in silence for a few seconds. Remus broke the silence with a fun fact. "Natural flavoring substitutes came from a gland right next to a beavers anus." He said.

He got up and left the room. You laid there wondering why you exist.....

And why you want Remus cuddling with you again...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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