The Trick

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  Most of my life was the usual gossip and being made fun of. I didn't really care what people thought about me. I have my own opinions I would rather listen to. My friends are always there for me. People like Sapphire and Beverley. Then I acted like a fool when one of the popular girls started talking to me.

"Hey Autumn" Francine says.

I was staring into space when she said that.

"Me?" I said confused.

Francine isn't the kind of person you wanna piss off. It is the last day of school. Tomorrow was the first day of vacation. I could hardly wait. I had big plans. Most of them included secluding myself all alone in my room on my laptop...yeah...big plans. So anyways, I turn. Her friends are giggling and she is staring dead at me with those beady blue eyes. I swallow. 

"I have a favor to ask you? Can you handle it?" Francine asks with a pouty face. One of her idiot friends named bijou's face lights up. "You can trust me!" She shouts with the face of a tiny child.

"Quiet!" screams another of Francine's friends. Francine smirks. "I need you to run to the teachers’ lounge and grab me my folder. The teacher confiscated it today and never gave it back."

I would have responded if my hand was tugged by Beverley. She patted my back. "What are you doing talking to those girls." she says. I open my mouth only to let out a sputter. Beverley's smile warmed up. Beverley was another girl you would not want to mess with. I can write pages and pages of lists of people she has beat up throughout the years. It would just take that one glance to scare even the toughest boys to scram. Of course, she had an adoring boyfriend (who she has cheated on before) and might have been Ariel from the little mermaid if she didn’t threaten everyone who passed by. "This is why you need me, Fall." She teased. I looked back to see the giggling popular girls and a glaring Francine. Although she wasn’t glaring at me. She was glaring at Beverley.


The rest of the day is pretty ordinary. Class. Friends. Class. Friends. And repeat. It was until last period when things started to get strange. During Math class. Bijou keeps staring at me like I am a galactic monster. I ignore her. And then there is Francine. Her eyes are narrowed and her lips are curled into a dubious grin. Like a cat preparing to gulp down its prey. That, I cannot ignore. I wait anxiously for the bell to ring and when it does, I expect either Bijou or Francine to corner me. But they don't. I check for anyone in the hallways and then make my way to the teacher's lounge. Not because I want to actually receive her folder or anything. It is only because I want to see what is in her Folder.

Maybe the phone numbers of all the boys who hit on her. So anyways, I walk into the teachers’ lounge. I try and walk as quietly as possible. I scan the room for the folder. Then I realize, there are folders everywhere. She had never mentioned the colour of the folder. I banged my head on the nearest desk. The door slams shut I listen longer to hear it lock. My eyes widen. “Is this some sort of messed up trick!?" I shouted. I hear a bang that comes from the desk. "ow." says a familiar masculine voice. I inch closer. The boy lifts his head. I cringe. It was no other than my old arch nemesis, Jax Levesque. "Oh hey, Auty!" he says with a warm smile. I narrow my eyes, fold my arms, lift my chin, and turn around.

This is going to be a very long Winter Vacation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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