Chapter : 1 [The Past]

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Kim Nayeon once had a wonderful family

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Kim Nayeon once had a wonderful family.Her parents , elder brother and herself.But her parents died in an accident when she was one and a half.She was too young to understand the loss. But this loss changed her brother a lot. After the death of their parents , their aunt Kim Soohyung took the custody of them and since then they have been living together .
Kim Nayeon was shy , quiet but an intelligent girl. On the other hand,her brother Kim Seok Jin was the opposite one. He was loud,doughty and do whatever he wants to do. He cared about his family a little. He liked to tease Nayeon whenever he got the chance. But of course he would also look after her. He was 5 years older than Nayeon. His family members would always say that he got the handsome face of his father, but not the characters.

They had a cousin named Yoon Jeonghan . He was the only cousin they knew. He was really close and friendly with Seok Jin and Nayeon. Jeonghan lived a bit far away from the Kim family. He was like an angle to everyone. His behaviour, his smile ,his voice and everything would make others to go to him. He lived in a dormitory because of his family problem. He lived alone and nobody was with him to look after . That's why he would often visit the Kim family to forget about his sad lonliness.
Of course ,Yoon Jeonghan was very different . He has his unique charisma . Nayeon was so much fond of him. Whenever Jeonghan would come to visit them, Nayeon would run to him . Nayeon would call him 'hyung '. Others tried to correct her . But she never pronounced the word 'oppa'. It was same for Seok Jin . While playing video games or watching movies, Seok Jin would tell Nayeon to get out of his room . But she would sit quietly in Jeonghan ' s lap.
They used to have so much fun that they would forget about time .

Few years passed like that..........

A/N : How was it???
Thanks for reading .Have a good day. 😀
About the characters. .... I know the girl from April is named Lee Na Eun . But Nayeon name is cuter. Sorry !!
I fall for her after watching the web drama "A-teen" . Have u watched it???💎💎💎

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