Truth Revealed.

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The heroes were called just in case something happened.

" Ochako Uraraka , please could you tell us what happened that day you were sexually harassed by Izuku Midoriya ?" Nezu asked with great difficulty.

" On July 19 th. * Sniff * Izuku came to my dorm * sniff * asking for sex. I disagreed so he grabbed me and forced me to bed but * sniff * Lida was near and he heroically saved me .  But it was to late I was already * sniff "  raped."

" What about you Izuku ?"

" On July 19 th. .... I was going to visit a grave. I was sad and needed comfort so I walked to Ochako since I needed comfort but what I saw in there shocked me . Ochako was having sex with Lida. I was so heartbroken that I just left them without saying a word. The next day , I was accused of for sexual harassment. " Izuku said.

" Detective Tsukachi ?" Nezu asked.

" They have both lied in some things which I can't disclose for now , so am going to ask them questions. "

Nezu nodded.

" Ochako Uraraka , are you a virgin ?"

" No " she said faking sadness.

" True "

" Izuku Midoriya are you a virgin ?"

Izuku hesitated. " "

The heroes bursted saying it was him however some few heroes like Midnight , My lady , Cementoss and Gang orca stopped them.

" Silence!! Detective , continue please".

" Izuku Midoriya , when did you lose your virginity?"

" Is this really necessary principal Nezu ?" Izuku asked.

" Please ... Just answer " Nezu said

" .... When I was 10 years " He said shocking everyone .

" Was it consensual ?"

" Why do you need to know please stop prying into my life " Izuku said.

" If you don't answer the question , I'll have to arrest you " Izuku hesitated before answering.

" No "

" He should be thrown in prison !" Some heroes shouted and U.A started agreeing.

" Shut up !! We don't know why it wasn't so keep quiet!" Nezu shouted.

" Why wasn't it consensual "

" We were forced to do it , to produce a child with both our strength , a weapon in their case "

" True '"

" Izuku Midoriya , have you ever committed any crime ?"

" ... Yes "

" And would that be ?"

" I stole some small things to survive , and ...... .... Murder and Genocide "

" Truth "

" Next why do you even allow such a Villain to step foot here ? He should be in prison with the rest of his kind " All Might yelled as some of the heroes agreed.

" Shut up!! You're here to stop anyone from escaping not give us you're opinion !" Nezu said.

" Very well then Midoriya , why did you do all that ?"

" I had to steal to survive , I had no one to take care of me . " He said.

" Then why kill ?"

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