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*A/N: Hello everyone. Just a quick warning this one might be a little bit of a trigger for some people at the end (mentions of mass killings, homicidal tendencies, loneliness, etc.). Also, I just wanted to thank those who have enjoyed reading my story so far. I really appreciate all the positivity y'all have sent me concerning my writing. You are all amazing! I have felt very stressed and had a bit of writer's block, but am rejuvenated by your kind words. I hope you are staying safe with all the craziness in the world*

You approach the table where the blood you purchased was placed. You felt a pang of unease as you looked upon it, knowing that all you did to get this far was for nothing. Dean was already back and though you were beyond grateful, you also did a lot of things that you could now see were unnecessary. You were just too clouded by your own fear of losing Dean forever that it blocked all of your other senses and put some of your morals on the sidelines. 

"So how did you-" you begin to ask while turning back to the boys.

"Escape purgatory?" Dean cuts you off and you nod. His jaw tightened and you could tell he was hurting but trying to hide it and he eventually offered an obviously fake but playful smile. "I told you, it's not that easy to get rid of me"

You chuckle while staring into his eyes, scared that if you looked away for another moment the shatters of jade that had pierced your soul would be gone forever. After a moment you speak up. "It was the door, wasn't it?"

"The door?" Sam asks with a furrowed brow.

"There is a door in the back of purgatory. It allows human souls to cross through" you explain. You could tell the information upset him, but you were unsure why. Yes, maybe you both could have figured out a way to get Dean back sooner if you had told him, but he had looked so happy living with the girl and her dog, and Dean would have wanted him to be happy... right?

"Sparta" a voice calls from behind you. You turn to see Plutus standing there with his blonde-haired friend behind him. "Care to join us for a minute?"

You give a tight-lipped smile towards Sam and Dean and walk towards the table. You could feel Sam and Dean's gaze on your back as you made your way over, no doubt trying to stay quiet to listen to the conversation you were about to have.

"10 oz. of Cerberus Blood," he says passing it to you. "What all were you tracking this down for? Mighty rare. Mighty expensive." 

"Would you believe that a girl has needs?" you say with a smirk. His grin turns to a small frown as he glares into you. "Don't play coy with me Sparta"

"Wouldn't dream of it Plutus" you reply with a light-hearted chuckle, turning your attention to the man beside him who had not stopped grinning all day. "Going to introduce me to your friend?"

"Reigner, meet Sparta," Plutus says, politely gesturing to you.  You extend your hand to the man. As he takes it you feel your blood run a cold but made sure you didn't flinch. You took this moment to truly get a sense of what he was, but realized... he was ... human. As you thought, but why would he cause your 'spidey-sense' (as Dean called it) to go crazy. "Sparta, meet Reigner. He will be holding your contract"

Your eyes widened as you pulled your hand away from the man, immediately burning with rage. You grabbed Plutus by the shirt collar and slammed him into the back wall. The room became silent as all eyes fell onto the scene. You could feel the cold gaze of Reigner's eyes on you and see in your peripheral that security guards were making their way over.

"That wasn't the deal," you say as you clench your jaw threateningly.

"The deal was you get 10 oz. of blood, I get a contract which I can use as I please. I choose to give it to my newest business associate, who you will be getting to know rather well" 

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