The Experiment

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"How long?" Dean asked for the third time, getting more and more upset by the second. "How long have you been in her?!"

You had tears slowly draining down your face. You were surprised you could still cry considering you had been nearly crying non-stop in Bobby's basement for the past 9 hours.

He proceeds to carve small designs down the inside of your thigh almost hesitantly. Your muscles tighten, but the pain was bearable compared to what you were used to.

"Not very talkative are we" He spits.

He turns around to grab the holy water off of Bobby's shelves and undoes the bottle cap.

"I am y/n" you cry again. "I have always been y/n. If you would just listen.."

Dean cut you off by dumping the holy water on your head. You could see the utter shock on his face when you didn't scream out in pain. Not even a flinch or gasp. Sam stepped away from the wall. "What are you?"

"If you will listen.." you begin to plead again.

"No" Dean yells. Stopping you in your tracks. "We don't care about what you are. We want to know what you did to y/n. The real y/n" His green eyes were dark and cold as he approached you. "I am only getting started."

He again pulled out the knife and plunged it into your already deep shoulder wound, twisting it as it pushed its way further into your bone. "We are going to have so much fun." He stated anger laced through his tone. "Does the name Alistar mean anything to you?" His eyes were full of rage as he watched you writhe in pain. You looked at Sam, your eyes begging for him to listen. He only looked away trying to keep his pain hidden from doing this to you and proceeded to walk out of Bobby's "supply closet" they were using as a dungeon.

*Time Skip*

The hours passed on as Dean slowly regained his creativity for torture. Always asking questions and being upset when he didn't get the response he was expecting. At this point, even if you told him what he wanted to hear it wouldn't change his mind. No matter what you did or said he wouldn't listen, he wouldn't care, and he wouldn't feel bad about taking another monster out of this world. You just wished Bobby was here.

Dean had just finished with some classic nails under the fingernails when you heard a string of harsh yelling, a slam of a door, and quick footsteps making there way down the stairs. Soon enough the door to the supply closet was being burst open. The sight before Bobby's eyes causing his furious features to shatter as his face paled, looking as if he was going to throw up. He saw your mutilated body cuffed into the chair, with blood pooling around your feet, all sorts of mangled tools scattered across the table, and a confused and broken Winchester holding the last nail he had taken out of your fingers.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" Bobby yelled. His fury returning just as quickly as it had left. Sam stood just outside the door, his face puffed up from tears and pent up emotion. Bobby pushed Dean away from you, nearly knocking him over, as he made his way towards you tears freely flowing down his face. "y/n" he says in nearly a whisper, his overwhelming pain rising to the surface.

"Bobby it's not her" Dean says, ache etched into his voice.

"Of course it is her!" He hollers at Dean, not taking his eyes off of you. He quickly takes off the cuffs and bands strapping you into the chair and scratches the paint off the floor with his shoe to efficiently break the devils trap.

"Bobby. She's a Demon" Sam states not daring to take a step closer. His eyes grow wide seeing the bloody tools on the table. His eyes snap up to Deans, who is being swallowed in guilt and hurt.

"y/n. Say something" Bobby asks slowly pulling you up from the chair. You were very weak from the blood loss and mangled in ways you haven't been for a long time. You were too tired to cry, and too tired to fight the darkness that was creeping into your vision. The last thing you remember were Bobby's tears staining your cheeks as he attempted to pick you up. "Don't give up now ya idjit".

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