Ch. 1

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                I exhaled slowly, watching the smoke curl into the air and disappear. Dropping the cigarette into the snow, I swung my duffel bag over my shoulder and continued walking along the sidewalk. Soon, I came upon a restaurant that I was supposed to meet up with my girlfriend, Aurora.

                Pushing the door open, I walked into a spacious lobby and was bombarded by several waiters. They crowded around me, asking for my reservation card. I glared at them until they backed off and I pushed through them into the dining hall. Glancing around quickly, I finally spotted Aurora sitting in a booth, her back to me.

                “Aurora,” I breathed. She looked up and turned around, giving me a wide smile.

                “Raven! You’re here!” Aurora jumped out of her seat and rushed towards me, holding out her arms. I caught her in my arms and wrapped them tightly around her and kissed her gently. When we finally broke apart, several people were staring at us in disgust and shock. I rolled my eyes and Aurora took my hand and led me to the booth.

                “Ignore them,” Aurora whispered, leaning over the table. “If they can’t stand watching two girls kiss, then they shouldn’t even be alive.”

                I giggled, taking her hand and kissed it. Her hand twisted around to grab me under the jaw, pulling me closer to her face and kissed me slowly.

                An older man walked up to us and cleared his throat to get our attention. “I would appreciate it greatly if you would keep the PDA under wraps. I’m trying to eat my dinner and I would like to enjoy it in peace.”

                Anger coursed through my veins as I stood up. “Just because you don’t like watching two girl kissing does NOT give you the right to come and say that shit to us,” I snapped angrily. “If you don’t like it, then I would suggest you find somewhere else to eat dinner.” The man stared at me with an open mouth, completely shocked.

                Slowly, he turned around and walked back to his table where he switched chairs with his wife so his back was to us. I snorted loudly, suddenly feeling powerful.

                “That was amazing, baby!” Aurora beamed at me, causing me to grin back. I felt like I could take over the world at that moment.


                “Wanted” by Hunter Hayes blared through the house as I walked around, picking up clothes and trash off the floor, couch, and counters.

                My foot hit a heavy, hard-covered book, making me cuss as pain shot up my leg. I sat down heavily on the couch, rubbing my foot as I glared down at the book, sitting there innocently and un-harmed. My phone buzzed in my butt pocket with a new message.

                Pulling it out, I hit ‘view’ on the screen and sucked in a breath as Aurora’s face popped up. In one hand, she was holding a drink carrier with two coffee cups, in the other, she held a bag. “Coming home, my sexy girl! ;)”

                Smiling, I put my phone on the table and finished cleaning. Tires crunched on the gravel driveway as I was putting the last coat in the hallway closet. I stood there, considering if I should greet Aurora at the door or hide in the closet and scare her.

                Pulling the door back open, I moved a few coats to make room and slid in, shutting the door carefully behind me. Shoes clicked up the sidewalk and keys jangled in the lock. The door creaked open and Aurora stepped into the hall.

                “Baby! I’m home!” Aurora yelled. The door slammed shut and she made her way to the closet. Sucking in a breath, I heard the knob start to turn.

                “Boo!” I yelled.

                “Ahhhh!” Aurora screamed, nearly fainting as I jumped out of the closet. I caught her arm and pulled her close to me, softly kissing her on the lips. She twisted and broke free of my grasp, sliding the drink carrier she had managed to not spill all over, onto the hallway table along with her keys. Dodging my arm, she dashed to the bedroom with me chasing after her, and slammed the door.

                Pushing the door open, I ran into the room to find Aurora laying on her side with her elbow propping up her head. She was somehow already half naked and looked extremely sexy in her black laced bra and panties. I was immediately turned on, realizing how much my hunger for her had grown. I needed her. I wanted her. And that body…


                I stared at the white ceiling and listened to Aurora’s even breathing. Her head was just above my left breast, her arm thrown across my stomach. I played with her midnight black hair, twisting it around my finger, wondering what life would have been like if Aurora never walked into my life. More than likely, I’d be back home with my parents, studying about the best ways to manage your money for Accounting.

                My father was a very wealthy accountant for a nationwide clothing franchise. He had always pushed me into thinking that one day I could be just like him, only I never really wanted to be anything like him. He traveled a lot, so I rarely saw him. My mother left us when I was just ten, leaving me motherless and without anyone to look after me and make sure I stayed in school and got good grades. I saw her every holiday and I spent my whole summer with her, that is, until she learned that I was bisexual and basically cut me out of her life.

                Aurora stirred in my arms, muttering about warm ice cream. I laughed, startling her awake. Her warm brown eyes stared at me with a quizzical look.

                “What? Why are you laughing?” She asked with that husky voice of hers.

                “I’ll make sure to get you nice, cold ice cream next time,” I laughed as her nose scrunched up with annoyance.

                “So I was talking in my sleep, again?” Aurora sighed and moved so she was on top of me. Her face was inches from mine, her legs straddling my hips. I pushed her bangs out of her eyes and tucked them behind her ear.

                “Yes, you were,” I said quietly. My heart was beating fast as I stared into Aurora’s soulful brown eyes. This was the one. The girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I could feel it deep within me. She was my everything, the love of my life and I vowed to myself that night that nothing would break us apart and that I would fight for her and protect her until my last breath.

                “I love you,” She whispered.

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