Chapter Five

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Delilah's POV

As I made my way into the hallway with my suitcases, there stood my Aunty Ape waiting for me. "Delilah, I'll show you to your bedroom. Come on," she said in her gentle, soft voice as she grabbed my duffel bag off my shoulder. I nodded my head following her up the stairs, pulling my suitcases behind me, each wheel making a bang against the hard wood stairs.

"Do you want to make any more noise?" My head whipped around to see Johnny shaking his head and tutting at me as he was carrying both of the suitcases up the stairs. Must have good muscles I thought to myself, earning a chuckle out of me, as I ignored him and kept following my Aunty Ape until we came to a halt outside a wooden door.

"Here you are, babe," Aunty Ape said as she twisted the knob on to the door, letting my step in. I gasped, my eyes looking in every single direction. It was amazing.

My bed was tucked into a little gap next to the window, big massive white drapes surrounded the bed that had the most plump blue bed quilts on possible, next to the bed was a little transparent pod that was filled with cushions. Next to the pod seat, was a cupboard on the wall - my wardrobe.

I took my time walking towards it and gasped when I opened it, "you've got to be joking me, what the fuck?" I turned around, my hand instantly flying up to my mouth. Aunty Ape always told me women shouldn't swear but on this occasion, she didn't scowl at me and laughed instead.

"Oh my god, aunty Apes," I turned around to look back at her and a tear shed from my eye the second time today. How did I get so lucky with this family?

She tutted and walked over, pulling me in to a sweet but short hug and whispered in my ear, "I see you've got some company. I'll leave you be," my cheeks automatically going red as I closed my eyes of embarrassment. "I'll see you tomorrow. I'm off to bed" she said a bit more louder and turned around on her heels. "Night, Knoxville," she said bumping her shoulders with his, earning a chuckle from them both.

Johnny, once again, was stood at the door frame watching me. "What?" I asked him, looking at him intently. His smile grew wider, "oh, nothing." I raised my eyebrow, not believing him but ignored it anyway as I started to open my suitcases and started to unpack and place them in my wardrobe.

"Are you going to help me then or just stare?" I swung my head around at Johnny, this time causing him to blush as he scurried into my room and started unpacking my suitcases with me.

After 40 minutes, we had finally unpacked all of my clothes and they was in my walk-in wardrobe neatly put away. I smiled, clasping my hands together, proud of our work as we stared at it.

"Thanks, Knox," I looked at him, nudging him as he yawned.

He smiled sheepishly and looked down, "you're welcome, D." He rubbed the tiredness of out his eyes. "I'm shattered now." He muttered.

I liked Johnny's presence and wanted to spend more time with him. Quickly, I thought of an idea and asked him, "we can watch a film. That's if you want," I started stammering, feeling embarrassed. "But the boys are downstairs drinking, you'll probably want to do that. It's fine if you do," I rambled on and on until Johnny grabbed my shoulders and whispered to me, "shut up and put a film on," earning an awkward laugh to me as I ran to turn my new television on, him following behind hot on my trail.

"We can watch..." I took a minute to look at the DVDs and CD selection I had, "Shrek?" I said, but more of an asking, as I looked at him waiting for his approval. He nodded and climbed into my bed, lying on the quilts, getting himself comfortable, whilst I fiddled around putting the CD into the television.

In a matter of seconds Shrek started playing and I made my way over to my bed and laid down, getting myself comfortable like Johnny already was.
Bedroom -


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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