J=Jack. F=Flynn. A=Anna. M=Merida
E=Elsa.R= Rap.K= Kristoff. H= Hiccup
E- If you wanted to take us on a date, you could've just asked.
F- but would you have said yes?
BFGs- yes
J- since you have a recording that says that we like you, do you like us back?We look at each other and say "yes"
Immediately after we answered the boys excused themselves and we heard them say "yes".
F- so will you girls go on a date with us?
BFGs- yes
BFBs- soo we'll pick you girls up at 5 o'clock tonight. wear a dress and heels or flats.And they ran out the door to the right.
E- hey boys, the exit is the other way.
We snicker as they run the other way.What're we gonna wear? Says Anna coming into the room.
R- Let's go shopping.
On that high note, we head to the mall.