J=Jack. F=Flynn. A=Anna. M=Merida
E=Elsa.R= Rap.K= Kristoff. H= Hiccup
We head back to the game room.H- sorry for making you cry.
E to the J- did you tell them
BFG- yeah
E- it's okay hiccup. now let's listen to music and play games.I turn on 'centuries' by FOB and start playing air hockey against Jack. I may have let him win (I DID, AND I MADE IT VERY CLEAR).
J- I finally won against you!
E- I let you win...
J- come on, what are you not good at?
E- I don't really know... Paintball?
J- ok everyone we're going to a paintball arena. It'll be girls vs boys.
All- LETS GO!!!
E- wait. We have a paintball arena in our house.
J- why?
E- we have an older brother who loves to shoot things.
E- whoops, looks like I did forget something.
J- fine let's go.We head down to the arena. and all the boys all look shocked.
E- the girls are purple and the boys are *whispers* what color?
J- orange
E- ok, let's do this. The Girls base is the far left corner and the boys base is the close right one. once you're shot, you're out. When you're out, go to the balcony. Get it?
All- got it
E- good. now give us twenty seconds to go to our base.
J- let the games begin.