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Golden colours of the afternoon sky filled the entire hospital room through the picture window. Soft humming and sketching sound filled the quiet room. Sitting on the window stool watching the setting sun is none other than Shirazaki Hinari. She always stays in the hospital for as long as she can whenever she has free time.

Sighing as she had finished another sketch, she stretched her limbs and got down from the window stool, walking towards Tsumiki and stroking her head lovingly.

But then she felt a static and retracted her hand right away, "What was that.." she mumbled in confusion and tried again but this time, nothing happened.

I must be imagining things.. she thought with a sigh and a wry smile, "I'll take a breather, Tsumiki.." she said and walked out of the room with her sketchbook, "Look after her." She commanded her shikigami and they sat up straight once again, being on high alert.

Greeting the nurses and other patients as she passed by, Hinari walked upstairs towards the rooftop. As soon as she opened the door, she was greeted by the afternoon breeze and a beautiful sunset along with its crimson colours. Walking further ahead, she greets a few nurses and patients who are watching the beautiful scenery from up there.

Hinari then sat down on one of the benches where she could see everything in her place. Flipping through her sketchbook pages, she began sketching the scenery once again but stopped abruptly when she felt a sudden throb in her chest.

"Ugh.." she frowned, clutching her clothed chest and dropped the sketch book on the floor. She coughed so hard, falling on her knees as she covered her mouth with her left hand while her other hand still clutching her clothes

She panted heavily, cold sweats dropped down to her chin and one of the nurses who was about to go back inside, ran to her immediately. "Miss, are you alright?!"

"I-I'm fine.." she replied, smiling wryly.

"We need to get you checked, it's--"

Cutting her words softly, Hinari smiled at the nurse "It's okay.. I'm really fine.."

"Are you sure?... you looked pale." The nurse asked in worry

"It's okay.. Thank you for your concern though, I appreciate it." Hinari smiled and the nurse helped her sit on the bench once again. Reassuring her that she's fine, the nurse then excused herself after letting Hinari know if she needed assistance, she could press the button near the bench.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐈: 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 (𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐱 𝐎𝐂)Where stories live. Discover now