Chapter 2

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Dream POV: shinso
I'm in my room it seems so small. Then I heard a scream coming from downstairs "MOM" I ran down the stairs and see her lying in a pool of her own blood not moving. I fall to my knees crying "no no No No NO MOM WAKE UP... please?" I look up and see him standing over me he grabs my by the hair and throws me on a pile of broken beer bottles. I can feel the glass cut all over my body I can't move! He's walking closer and closer he grabbed a knife of the counter and throw it at my head

I shot up and looked around everyone was staring at me I wanted to disappear "is there a problem shinso?" My teacher asked I could tell he was upset. "N-No everything's fine" I replied I heard snickers coming from beside me it was monoma I put my head back down 'why does this have to happen to me?!'

A/N hey sorry It's been while I had writers block and then I forgot about the story sorry this chapter is so short I don't have a lot of ideas right now -Author

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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