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PRONOUNS: Not mentioned


- you had been studying endlessly for an upcoming exam, and it was stressing you out

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- you had been studying endlessly for an upcoming exam, and it was stressing you out. recently, you hadn't been able to spend as much time with your boyfriend, so you asked if he wanted to come to the library with you, to keep you company. from the lack of attention he had received the past week, corpse happily accepted.

you had thought that corpse would be quite distracting, but to your surprise, he was the opposite. earlier on, he had picked out a book from a shelf next to you, and now couldn't keep his eyes off it. 


you had finished your revision, and started to take in the beautiful sight in front of you. you admired the the small things he did, while reading - the faces he made; the annoyed grunt that escaped his lips when he couldn't separate two pages stuck together; the small gap in his mouth when he was deeply interested; the cute sniffles he made every few minutes. you couldn't believe how lucky you were.

"stop staring - its weird." you heard


you suddenly sunk back to reality. you realised, that you had been staring for the past 5 minutes. while your face flushed a deep shade of rose. corpse let out a chukle.

"whatcha thinking about?" he asked - smirking as he did so.

"uh- um- nothing" 

"you sure?" he questioned you "so definitely not thinking about me?"

"no" you responded, hesitantly.

"ok. whatever you say." he said, as he went back to reading.

you let out a shaky sigh, as you calmed down from embarrassment. yet, you noticed that the small smirk still lingered on your boyfriend's face. you decided to pack up, and decide to read a book, to calm down your nerves. a certain book caught your eye, but to your luck, it was not to your reach. you tried almost everything to reach it, but nothing worked. still standing on your chair, about to turn around to ask corpse to help you, you saw that he was no longer interested in his book, but something else? you followed his gaze, and realised he had been staring at your ass the whole time. 

"ew...you creep" you said, as you hurried to sit down.

"what?" he replied grinning.

watch this be gone in a day 

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watch this be gone in a day 

lyl have a great day/night! try to eat / drink something! take your meds! 

lyl have a great day/night! try to eat / drink something! take your meds! 

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