1. How to distract Fred Weasley

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I suggest you don't skip the introduction. It's still a chapter.


Turns out I finally managed to get some sleep and woke up with the sun. The light was coming from the window, passing though the slightly openned curtains and hitting on the floor straight where my head was. With a grunt, I pushed myself to sit up because I didn't fancy laying there with the sun flashing in my eyes so I decided I might as well just wake up already.

I passed a hand in my hair to let out another annoyed grunt. My hair was a mess and that was all thanks to Fred's little game last night. I'd sure have my revenge, that was a fact.
"Y/n..." came a sleepy moan from the bed "Just shut up..." said Ginny hidding her head in her pillow. I let out a slight giggle because she obviously wasn't awake yet and still half asleep.

Hermione was already gone, not to my surprise. She always was the first one up, insisting on helping with breakfest to then have fun poking at Ron most of the time, saying she's a better help around the house than he is. Would they ever stop flirting and just get on with it? God, who knows?

I got out of the room with my clothes in hand to go and get changed in the nearest bathroom. Brushing my hair was a pain. To let the pain out, I was trying to think of what I'd do to make Fred pay for it, cursing under my breath each time I had to pull harder than normal.

Finally dressed and with my hair in the best order I could pull off, I went downstairs in the kitchen to join whoever was already up.

No surprise to see Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley there, both eating their breakfest. Mr. Weasley had his head in a newspaper while Mrs. Weasley was having a talk with Hermione who was already sitting there too.

"Y/n, dear!" said Mrs. Weasley seeing me come down the stairs. "How about I fix you up a nice plate. We've got eggs and toasts and a bit of bacon for those who come down first."
"Thanks Molly." I smiled at her "But stay seated, I can do it myself."
She sat back down with a satisfied look on her face.
"You girls are real gems." she smiled looking from Hermione to me "Ginny too is an angel of course!" she said nodding.
"Thanks Molly." smiled Hermione looking at me with a 'see?' look on her face. As if she was the one who had got me that compliment.

"Wish my boys would be a bit more like you though." she sighed as I went to make myself a plate. "Charlie and Bill were quite easy actually. A bit rough on the edges on Bill's part but still such a born gentleman. Oh and Percy too of course!"
"Isn't Percy coming with us?" Hermione asked.
"He decided to pass. He does have a job at the ministry now so he has some work to do!" Mrs. Weasley nodded. "Bill and Charlie wouldn't miss it though!"
"When are they gonna get here by the way?" Mr. Weasley asked peaking over his paper.
"They both told me they'd be here before diner." Molly told him with a happy smile on her face. "Oh girls, you'll love them both I'm sure."
"I hope so." I smiled while starting to eat.

I had heard a lot about both of them but never actually met or even really seen them. Fred and George had shown me pictures of pranks they had pulled on them but it was years ago and I don't think that Charlie still had a bowl cut or that Bill was still shorter than his mom. I knew they were quite fun from what my friends had told me and actually felt a bit stressed. I sure didn't want to make a bad first impression.

"Maybe we can set you up a little quidditch game after diner!" said Mrs. Weasley excitted "Charlie's such a good seeker. I'm sure he'll be trilled!" she kept going, obviously overwhelmed with the idea of having her two older sons come to visit. "And they're so proper, so well manered boys. I'm sure you'll get along so well! They're handsome, smart, sweet..."

"Such a contrast to George and I." came Fred's voice from the stairs and he and George came into view. "Unproper..."
"Little gits..." added George.
"Ugly as two teenage goblins..." nodded Fred as the both of them had to bend their head not to bump into the stairs' top.
"So stupid!" grinned George.
"Oh and the meanest creatures on earth to top it all!" shrugged Fred.
I had a reflex to let out a little giggle hearing them. A giggle that got me a quick look and wink from Fred followed by an amused smirk.

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