I. Kings Cross & The Crimson Train

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Quick A/N: Since this is Rey's third year, events will have to do with a werewolf (as said in desc), etc etc... you get the gist. (Will also always be in her perspective.)
TW(?): Swearing, TommyInnit

I shivered when I walked through the wall, it was always a weird feeling. My parents walked through as well, they smiled at me. I looked through my carriage to make sure I had everything, and gave my Somali cat, Rex, a good pat on the head then turned to my parents with a smile as well.
"Dear, don't stop for us, just get on the train, will you? You don't need to be late on the first day back to school," My mother informed.
I nodded my head, my black hair moving only slightly, "I know, I know. Just need to say my goodbyes for now."
"Well, Champ, you better do good in quidditch this year. We can't have another beater blackout, can we?" My dad asked.
"Dad! That doesn't even make sense, i'm a seeker!" I laughed, mum and dad chuckled too.
"You know what I mean. Anyways! You best be on your merry way, right?" He asked again.
"Yes, she ought to be. Now go, hunny," Mum replied, "Shoo!"
I laughed again, gave them hugs, and then headed onto the train. On the way to a compartment in the back of the train, I had bumped into a boy that looked like he was a year above me, maybe same year. He had dirty blonde hair, and from what i saw, green eyes. The boy did have this... Mask, though. It was circular, white, and had a smiley face on it. "Hey, watch it!" I say to him, a little pissed that he's just walking away.
He turns back to me, the shadow from his mask only letting a little light onto his eyes, "Next time move out of the way," He said, and then kept walking.
"What an arse..." I mumbled.
I finally found a compartment, but it had a girl in it. She looked nice enough, so I decided to sit with her. (Not before I asked though!) "Hey, uh.. Can I sit here?" I pointed a finger to an empty seat across from her.
She looked up from her book, and she smiled and nodded, "Of course."
I sat and the girl went back to her book, I noticed it was Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. "Oh, I love that book! What's your name?"
"Oh.. It's Niki. What about you?" She asks shyly.
I smile, "Nice to meet you Niki, I'm Rey. What year and house are you in?" I could only guess she's a Hufflepuff.
"I'm a Hufflepuff,"
'Knew it.' I thought.
"and I'm a third year."
"Cool! I'm a Gryffindor and third year too!" I say excitedly, my grey eyes shining.
Soon a brown haired boy enters after we've been talking for awhile, and asks to sit with us. We comply, and he introduces himself. The boy tells us he's Wilbur Soot, a Ravenclaw in his fourth year. "I'm also a beater on the quidditch team," He tells us, "So... Who are you both?"
I look at Niki, and she nods for me to go first. "I'm Rey, I'm a third year Gryffindor, and I'm the seeker on my team!" I smile.
Niki introduces herself as well, and we get to talking again, Wilbur of course now joining us.

An announcement comes over the train, saying to change into our robes, and me and Niki usher Wilbur out. Us being girls and all, we were comfortable with being together as long as the other didn't look.
When Niki was done changing and I was slipping on my socks, another boy bursted in, making me fall to the ground with a thud from surprise. "OH SHIT- SORRY- TUBBO! THIS DEFINITELY ISNT IT!" The boy yelled.
"ALRIGHT! I'LL KEEP LOOKING FOR THEM!" The  other boy, who I assumed was Tubbo, yelled back.
I groaned and sat up, rubbing my head. "What's the big deal, dude!" I yell at him.
"I said I was sorry! Geez... Women sometimes..." He said, and my eyebrows furrowed as I got up off the ground.
"What did you say, you git?" I growled, and he gave a look of surprise back.
"Oh- I didn't mean that in a rude way-"
"Well it sure did come out rude."
He put his hands up in surrender, "Hey! I'm sorry, women!"
"Whatever. I'm Rey, this is Niki. Who're you?" I asked.
"Uh. I'm Tommy, and the fella I was yelling to was Tubbo, i'm a proud third year Gryffindor," 'Tommy' spoke.
I looked at his robes, noticing the red and gold colors. 'Great.. I have to share a house with this dork.' I thought, "Im a Gryffindor too, and Niki here is a Hufflepuff as you can see."
"Sick! Tubbo's a Hufflepuff as well.. Uh.. I should probably go now.. Though, have either of you seen a brown haired kid named Wilbur? He's my brother and I need to speak to him about quidditch..." He trailed off, looking in thought.
"We did actually," Niki spoke, "He came and introduced himself to us earlier, but then he left after the robe announcement. We don't know where he is now, i'm sorry."
"It's alright!" Tommy said loudly, "The arse.. already getting it with the girls..." He mumbled and scrunched his face. "Well, thank you, ladies, but I must be going now. Cya!"
Me and Niki waved to Tommy as he left, and sat back down. I finally pulled my sock up again and slipped on my mary janes. Niki sighed. I looked up at her with a quizzical face, "What's wrong?" I ask.
"Nothing. Just... I've already had so much fun with you, I wish you were in my house so we could see each other all the time," She looked down at her shoes.
I mentally 'awed' at her and then said, "Well... We'll still be able to talk when we have free periods.. Or if our house years have any classes together! I could also sneak over to your table at meal times if that helps."
She smiled and looked up at me again, "Thanks a lot Rey, I can tell you're going to be a great friend."

Word count: 1063 (including a/n and this)

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