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All the credits go to LifeTimeEmoji hope you enjoy

This part is still from the original

I just wanted to add a fun chapter!

"Snacks?" Webbys asked

"Check" huey said

"Games?" Webby questioned


"Woo-oo let's dewey this" dewy was more ready than ever.

While everyone was ready webby had to let it out.

"MAKEOVERS."webby said not taking no for an answer.

"I think were just going to-." Dewey was just about to walk out with Huey when something suddenly pulled them back.

Webby and lena pulled them into a chair and pulled out their makeup.

"Oh no!" They said in unison.

"What can be worst then this."

"Oh don't you dare say that now! Huey told dewey sternly but it was too late.

The girls got products for their hair as well.

Their eyes shot open instantly

While that was happening gosalyn, louie and violet were just looking untill
Violet went to join them

"Umm...?" Louie said to gosalyn to see if she had any idea what was happening.

"Hey webby, lena can I have some blush, and eyeshadow." She asked with a smile.

After they threw some at her she tackled louie.

"Ahhhh" was all he said as he fell to the floor.

five minutes later the boys looked like a princess and the girls looked like monsters.

The boys rushed to the mirrors and screamed instantly. As the girls silently high fives eachother the a smirk

"Where are the makeup wipes?!" Huey asked not having a second thought. He rushed to them but before they can clean there face. Lena took a picture of all 3 of them.

"Smile" she said

"Send that to me" webby said over her shoulder

"Me too" gosalyn stated

"Okay so what now?" The boys asked in usion.

Gosalyn and louie were actually feeling like they were making friends.

"Umm how about....? Huey and dewey looked at eachother with a smile then dewey whispered something in louies ears. And he wide eyes and smiled.

They each walked outside the room calmly. And in what felt liek a second they rushed into the room with pillows.

The girls grabbed their pillow and there was one heck of a pillow fight.

The boys ended up tumbling into the floor at the end and accepted defeat.
Oh wait no they didnt or at least not on Dewey's watch.

He claimed up the onto the table and threw a pillow behind webbys head.

"Heyyy" webby said while laughing

"Oops sorry" dewey said sarcastically.

This gave louie and huey time to get up but not all the way. Violet, gosalyn, and lena noticed them getting up and they each threw at least 3 pillows each at them.

The whole pillow fight ended with everyone laughing but then lena had an idea.

"Hey who wants to play truth or dare?"

"Not with you, your mean in that game." Huey complaind but once again when he was about to walk out he was dragged in a circle along with every one else.

"Ok who's first." Webby squealed and rose her hand.

"Ok ok, truth or dare dewey" webby asked

"Dare all the way." Dewey said for anything.

"Ok, I dare you to tell everyone who is knew your darkest secret."

"Umm their not ready forrrrrrr." He paused dramatically. He ran to the lights and made them start flashing. He turned them on completly ran back to everyone and yelled. "Dewey tonight de de de dewey tonight , how does he dewey it."

Everyone just stairs at dewey. louie and gosalyn couldnt hold it in they burst out in laughter. Which soon ended with everyone else laughing.

"Okay okay who's next" webby said wiping away her tears of laughter.

"Mine" dewey said

"Well" lena said after Dewey's pause.

"Violet. Truth or dare?" Dewey asked

"Truth." Violet said surely

"Tell me what you do for fun."
Ena started laughing at this. Because she lives with violet she already knew the answer.

"Tell them violet" lena said still laughing

"Well I like watching...

Documentarys about koalas."violet said

Ofcourse webby just made a cute face about this.

Everyone mainly smiled.

But lena was still laughing.

"Haha very funny" violet said looking at lena. "My turn. Hmmm. Louie truth or dare.?"

"Truth" louie said ready for anything.

"What's on your arm?" Everyone just looked blankly at violet.

Violet grabed louies arm and rolled up his sleeve. Louie didnt even know what she was talking about

"Mabey it was nothing. Mabey just some dirt or something." Everyone shook this off.

"Ouuuu my granny should be done making pie." Webby said

Everyone followed her downstairs to see beakly in the kitchen.

"Webbigal, can you bring me the pie cutter?"

"Sure granny" she said as she pulled it out of the drawer.

"Ok its almost 12:00 a'clock when you are done eating go to bed."

"Okay granny."

After they were done with their slices of apple pie they all headed to bed.

In webbys room
(They all slept in the same room.)


The lights went out and everyone went to sleep


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