˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝘐-𝘐𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘵!

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Narrator's POV
Y/N and Killua were taking a walk through the city, and all of sudden Y/N got an evil idea. 'What if I tease Killua? He doesn't like being teased..!' Y/N thought while smirking proudly. She then had a flashback of Killua telling her something.

Cue Flash back:

"Hey, Killua?~" Y/N said in a playful manner. "What is it Y/N?" Killua answered, disinterest laced with his words. "We should do something!~ I'm boreddd!" Killua sighs, still not paying attention to Y/N. "You can go do anything! I just want to stay home..!" Killua said clearly annoyed. Y/N had another one of her 'great' ideas. "Hey Killua?~ I can do anything, right?~" Y/N said her grin widening by the minute. "Yes Y/N," He then looked at her, and noticed her grin.

Killua sighs in defeat, "What are you gonna do Y/N?" She chuckles a little and whispers something in his ear. (I'll let y'all decide what you said) His face went from pale to red in a matter of seconds. "W-What?! No!" Killua yelled out. "Whattttt?! But you said you can do anything!!" Y/N then started pouting. "Anything but that!"

Killua get's up and starts walking to his room.
"Oh?~ So we are gonna-" Killua looked back at her and gave her a glare. "Don't. You. Dare. Finish. That. Sentence." Y/N gave him an innocent look, "What? But I was just gonna say that we're going to cuddle!~" Then in a more teasing voice she said, "Unless.. you thought of something dirty? Oh you naugh-"

Y/N was hit in the face by a pillow. "Stop teasing me! I don't like being teased!!" Killua said while his face was 50 different shades of red.

End of Flashback

"Hey Killua?" Y/N said while Killua was looking around. "Hm?" And in her most innocent voice she said: "What type of games do you like to play?" Killua, unfortunately took it the wrong way and choked on his on saliva, his face was brighter than an apple! "W-Where did that come f-from!?" He managed to question. "Hm? I was just asking a question!"

Although this was way more farther than her intentions, she really hoped he would tell her. She bit on her a lip a little, "C'mon! I'm your girlfriend! You would tell me, right?!" Y/N said in an innocent manner. "N-no.." Killua mutters, a little bit embarrassed. 'Dang it!' She mentally cursed herself. Soon it started raining unexpectedly, Killua and Y/N had to take cover in a candy shop. "Hey Y/N wait here I'm gonna look around in the store." And with that Killua ran off into the store. 'Yeah leave your girlfriend alone in a candy store. Freezing too!' Y/N moved to a wall and leaned on it. Letting out a sigh she closed her eyes.

While she had her eyes closed she didn't notice the man walking up to her. "Hey there!" Y/N opened one eye and looked at the man. He looked like a nice young man, he had dirty blonde hair and seemed to be working in the store. His cheeks had a hint of pink on them. "Excuse me miss?" Now Y/N had both eyes opened and was looking straight at the man. "Yeah?"

"Are you waiting for the rain to stop? I have an umbrella! I can walk you home if you'd like!... O-only if you want to though!" He chuckled awkwardly a little at the end, and Y/N just gave him a sweet smile. "No thank you! I'm waiting for my-"

"Boyfriend." Another voice joined the conversation. "Hi, nice to meet you! Killua, Y/N's boyfriend!" Killua said emphasizing 'boyfriend' and in the most annoyed voice possible. A bead of sweat formed on Y/N's face as she smiled nervously. Killua pulled her into a hug, but turned her around so it'd be a hug from behind. 'Killua! You made this more awkward than it had to be!' She was mentally screaming.

"Well then! Look's like the rain's clearing! Let's go Y/N!" Killua pulled her out of the store leaving a sad male to walk out of the store too.

"Hey Killua?" The said male just hummed in response while walking around. "Were you..
jealous?~" Y/N smiled deviously. "N-no!" The tsundere said a little loudly. "Yes you were!~" Y/N laughed a little.


766 words!

 ೄྀ࿐ 𝘒𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘢 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴  ˊˎ-Where stories live. Discover now