[ iv. cuddles ]

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Hi it's me again! This one is going to be super fluffy and adorable, so prepare yourself :)

535 words

Katie POV:

Of course it was the middle of winter and her and Travis's heater had gone out in their new house. Travis said he called someone to fix it but they said they wouldn't be there until Monday, unfortunately for them it was Saturday.

Now Katie had her sweatshirt on, a winter coat on, her winter boot, and some very thick gloves. Travis was wearing the same thing but he didn't get as cold as her so his jacket was a bit thinner. She saw Travis laugh a little then say, "You look like a walking marshmallow" Katie walked over to him and said "How are you so warm, I'm literally freezing" Travis laughed a little again and went to go sit on the couch.

He motioned for her to come over and sit by him, when she did he wrapped him arm around her and said "Let's just cuddle and watch movies so that we can stay warm." Katie went over, grabbed a blanket and said "That sounds like a great idea, but can we start bingeing Star Wars because Miranda said it was good." (Ok so I love Star Wars so that's why I put it in there) Travis nodded and laid down on the couch, patting the spot next to him. Katie quickly laid down next to him and instantly felt warmer when he wrapped his arms around her waist.

She soon fell asleep after watching the first movie, but after she woke up she was on top of Travis and his hands were playing with her hair. In a sleepy voice she said "Heyyy, sorry I fell asleep" Travis looked at her and said "That's fine I kinda fell asleep to, anyways I'm hungry do you want to eat anything?" Katie sat up next to him and Travis did the same. "I dunno want to just order because I don't really feel like making anything." Travis nodded and then went to go get his phone. After he ordered the food Travis told Katie that he would just go get their bigger blanket from their bedroom because it felt like their house was getting colder by the minute.

After the their food came, Katie and Travis wrapped the blanket around themselves and ate. When they were done eating Travis said "Let's just sleep down here because it's colder upstairs than it is down here" Katie nodded and got up to put their dishes into the sink. Katie laid down on the couch and then opened her arms, that's when Travis put his face in her neck and wrapped his arms around her waist. She started playing with his hair, and then she heard Travis's soft snoring. Katie kissed the top of his head and thought about how happy she was in this moment.

Even after their heater was fixed Katie would still liked to use the excuse that she was cold to get extra cuddles from Travis.

The end! I thought this one was cute, I mean I still think it sounds rushed and bad but it the fluffiness that counts right?

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