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𝓽𝓲𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷

"This is my absolute favorite week of the year," Winnie proclaimed, taking her seat between Marlene and Lily in the Great Hall. The two girls exchanged a look before rolling their eyes.

"Winnie," Marlene said. "You say that about ten times a year."

'That's not true," she objected, sipping her butterbeer eagerly.

"You said it about you and James's birthday week," Lily countered.

"And Halloween," Marlene said.

"And New Years."

"And the first Hogsmeade trip."

"And the first Quidditch match."

"And the last Quidditch match."

"Really, you say it about any Quidditch match."

Winnie laughed, rolled her eyes fondly at her friends, and lightly wacked Marlene's arm.

"I just love events. Oh look!" Winnie pointed excitedly towards the front of the room where the professors began to lift the giant tree Hagrid had brung in.

The entire hall was decked out to fit the Christmas Spirit. The tables were decorated with red details and wreaths, banners and decorations hung on the walls, and magical snow drifted meters above their heads, never quite reaching them. With the tree finally up, it really tied it all together.

"That reminds me," Winnie said. "You two are invited to casa de Potter this break. You can come Christmas Eve and stay for Christmas if you'd like, or go home to your families. Either works. Then my parents are hosting a ball for New Years so you guys and your families are invited to that as well!" The girls agreed that they would ask and let her know soon.

After dinner, James caught up to his sister.

"Hey Win, did you invite Lily?"

"Hi James, I'm doing good. How are you? Good? Great," Winnie said sarcastically.

James rolled his eyes and tugged on one of her curls. "Well did you ask her?"

"Yes, I invited Lily AND Marlene, not that you cared much if she was going or not."

"You know I like Marlene," he protested. "Anyways, like usual, the guys are all coming."

"Well I'd hope Sirius is coming. It'd be dreadfully awkward if he wasn't since he lives in our house."

"I hate you," James said. "You suck."

"You smell."


"Hah!" Winnie stuck her tongue out, flicked his glasses so they were crooked, and ran to catch up with her friends.

Smiled once she rejoined them and began to contemplate what to get everyone for Christmas. Lily and Marlene, she knew, would be easy. Lily would appreciate anything and Marlene had preferences so loud, she'd be deaf not to hear them (and it just so happens that Winnie was not deaf and had heard Marlene gush over a pair of books for three hours straight one time).

For Everett, she could probably get him something small and simple that he'd use. Maybe a broom cleaning kit? Some Ravenclaw colored gloves for Quidditch?

Peter and Sirius would be easy as well. Every year she and Remus swapped books that they'd read and annotated beforehand. The only difficult part would be choosing which book she'd give to him this year (Maybe Little Women? Perhaps he'd like A Picture of Dorian Gray this time?). Like Remus, she and Peter also had a yearly gift: a chess kit. They tried to find new and fun versions every year (and as a result Winnie now had a variety of colored and patterned chess kits or all shapes, sizes, and material).

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