Embrace It

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Eridan's P.O.V.

Literally what gives them the right to criticize me for being so desperate? The only person that fucking knows me is Nep because she at least fucking cares and not the bullshit I carry.

I walked over to the coffee shop where Nep and I always go to and ordered black coffee. It's fucking good if you ask me. Then I see Sol sitting at one of the tables, looking all depressed.

Shit, it was probably that accident that shook him up. I could've gone to the hospital to comfort him but I'm pretty sure he just needed Feferi. Besides I had to get stuck in one of my boring business meeting which fucking sucked if you ask me.

I walked over to Sol and greeted, "Hey Sol."

Sol looked up at and groaned, "Oh my fucking god it'th you. And my name is Thollux, not Thol."

Shit he had that fucking messy hair and adorable lisp that it sounded like Thollux instead of Sollux-wait what the fuck am I talking about?! We fucking hate each other. Well more like Sol hates me-but that's not the point!

"Listen, are you okay because you look like shit today." Crap, why did I have to say that?

"Wow, that'th what I wanted to hear, ED." Sollux sarcastically said.

But he just smirked and gestured his head to the seat in front of him.

Wait, is he letting me sit with him? Hell fucking yes.

I sat down and a waitress came by with my black coffee.

Sollux and I sat there quietly as he spoke, "Lithen, I'm thorry about... thtealing Feferi."

I sat there, shocked at what he just said. Sollux NEVER apologizes. Then I remembered in our high school year, I had a crush on Fef but Sollux and her kept on hanging out together so that's pretty much how Sollux and I hated each other.

"It's fine, Sol. I'm over it." And it's true.

"Hey.. do you want to thee Aradia and the otherth?" Sol asked shyly.


"Not that I like you, ED, becauthe I don't. I know you've been fucking buthy and thit." He stated.

"Hell. Fucking. Yes." I smirked at him as I stood up.

"You don't need to pauthe at every word you know." Sol rolled his eyes as he too got up and walked out of the cafe.

We got to the hospital and went to see Aradia. I feel really bad for Sol since he had to endure all of this. If only he could just find someone to help through all of this.

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