Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Warning: Sexual Content

A lot of things ran through my mind as I took in what was in front of me.

Leo and Selene kissing. 

I wanted it to be fake. I didn't want it to be real.

But I knew it was him from his messy chestnut colored hair.

I felt my throat tighten and started gasping for breath. Unshed tears were brimming in my eyes. I spun on my heels and sprinted away from them. 

I did the only thing I could think of. I ran. 

As soon as I hit the woods, I immediately shifted into my wolf. My heart was beating too fast and it felt like it was going to explode. But I kept running. Faster. Faster.

Before I knew it, I was at the creek. The one I used to go to as a child. The one that Leo had rejected me at.

Since my clothes had shredded when I shifted, I was naked. I curled up into a ball under one of the large oak trees. The dam that had been holding back my tears finally broke and my body broke down into shuddering sobs. 

I don't know how long I sat there, but it was getting darker and chillier. I shivered and wrapped my arms tighter around myself. I had stopped crying, but it was only because I couldn't cry anymore.

My eyes were getting heavier. I laid down on my side and closed my heavy eyes. I could vaguely hear voices and footsteps in the distance. 

"Eden!" A worried voice called my name. It was deep and made me feel happy. I can't figure out who it is though.

The voice gets closer. "Eden, oh god, Eden are you okay?!" I feel heat radiating from his body. He must be really close to me now. I don't want to open my eyes to see who it is though. I'm enjoying the darkness. 

I felt someone, the guy that had been speaking, I believe. He was putting something over my head. A t-shirt. I was warm and soft and smelled amazing. I inhaled the scent. 

I'm no longer on the ground now. I'm being carried bridal style and I feel something weird. I snuggle into the warmth. That's when I finally realize that it's little shocks that I'm feeling. 

My eyes snap wide open and I gasp as I stare into beautiful, worried golden eyes. 

"Oh, thank god, you're okay," Leo sighs in relief. I freeze and my body tenses, making him frown. "What's wrong?"

My breathing gets shallower as I recall what I saw earlier. I tried struggling in his arms, but he only tightens his hold. My throat tightens as tears start streaming down my face again. Leo looks at me in alarm.

"Eden?! What's wrong?" He asks again. I don't want to be in his arms. I don't even want to be near him. I'm breathing to hard. I'm getting drowsier again before I'm thrown back into the bliss of darkness.


My eyes snap open as I wake with a jolt. I'm slightly disoriented as I take in where I am. Everything comes into focus, and I realize that I'm in Leo's room, lying on his bed. The door opens and my eyes widen when I see that it's Leo. 

He walked towards me cautiously and slowly extends his hand that's holding a glass of water. I eye him warily as I slowly take the water and drink it greedily.

"Thank you," I mumble. He smiles slightly and sits on the edge of the bed by me. I immediately scoot away from him.

He frowns and extends his hand again, this time to touch me. His fingers were about to touch my cheek when I move away again, making him furrow his brow.

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