More, more Danganronpa hc's

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Yes more. let me live

-Byakuya doesn't know how to fold clothes because he had butlers to do it.

-Makoto has freckles

-Kyoko's hair is dyed

-Celeste likes making people her servants so sometimes she bribes people into doing her biding 

-Toko broke her glasses so many times

-Byakuya wears platforms and fell multiple times because of this

-Leon gets traumatic flashbacks when he see's a baseball. or any sort of ball

-Hiro sometimes gets drunk and Leon has to help him out

Naegami hc's:

-Makoto loves sleeping on Byakuya. Byakuya doesn't mind

-they both love playing with each other's hair so awww 

-Byakuya comforts Makoto after his trauma nightmares

-Makoto occasionally just lays down on Byakuya's lap for no reason 

-Byakuya draws Makoto sometimes and Makoto loves the drawings

-When Byakuya gives Makoto a compliment (which is like never) Makoto savors the moment 

-✨cheek kisses✨

Ishimondo hc's:

-Mondo sometimes gets detention on purpose just so he can see Taka

-Taka scolds Mondo a lot for his behavior. But all Mondo can think about is "hot bf go brr"

-Taka's dad (who's a police officer) once arrested Mondo before. Imagine how awkward family get -togethers were

-Taka sometimes steals Mondo hairspray because its bad for the environment. He actually just wants to see Mondo with his hair down

-Mondo likes flirting with Taka a lot

-✨cheek kisses✨

Celesgiri hc's:

-Kyoko is the only person who see's Celeste without her drills

-✨forehead kisses and hand kisses✨

-Kyoko likes holding hands with Celeste. with or without gloves

-Kyoko learned french just so she can speak it with Celeste

-Makoto is like a wingman to Kyoko to help her out with Celeste

-Celeste has tons of cats so Kyoko helps her out with them

Hagakureon hc's:

-Hiro is pretty clingy so sometimes Leon gotta push him off

-Hiro and Leon like watching trashy movies together. like twilight


-Leon likes doing Hiro's hair

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