11: Riley Holt- *Predator and Prey*

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Remmy is still unconscious from the powerful sound wave of the Sonostick. It makes poaching the Tyko feel like a worthless endeavor now. A flash of the beast's breath just inches from my face replays in my mind. I can smell it. Taste it. As if it snarls right in front of me. My life, seconds from ending.

The night creeps in faster than I can get us to shelter.

My body quits. I collapse to the ground and lay my head back against Remmy. I can feel the plants and bugs crawling all over my legs, but I'm too exhausted to care. Too exhausted to even continue being overwhelmed. My emotions wisp away. A calmness setting in.

Maybe I'm just delirious, but it feels like eyes are on me. Watching me from the concealment of the brush. If I had any energy left, I'd be concerned, but my eyelids crave one another.

I pull our canteen from the pouch, the cool liquid soothing my splintered lips. I want nothing more than to pour the entire thing over my head. A bath sounding like paradise right now. Ice cold. Washing away this horrible day. But I need this water. The next outpost is still some time away.

I stare up at the canopy. I can't see the top, but the sounds of small Koes jumping from branch to branch fill the darkness. Their eyes glow a soft yellow. The sight would be terrifying if I didn't know how adorable they are. One hops down from a tall branch and lands just next to us. He squeaks and chirps quietly as he inspects us. He sits on his hind legs, fiddling with the laces on my boots. He resembles a monkey from Earth, like the ones we've seen in books. Books we've bought from the envoys that pass through from Su Hoz. I don't spend much time thinking about Earth, but I figured if anyone should have these salvaged books, it should be us.

The shy little Ko grows more daring. He slowly crawls up my leg, carefully inspecting my face as he does. His tail wraps around my shin like it's a tree branch, and he inches along. He's fascinated by my belt loops. I let him explore. His little fingers hook through one, and he tugs on it, confused. Tugging again, then looking closer at it. Pulling it out enough to look through it.

This little critter's antics take me away for a moment. Away from the harsh reality I'm in. Away from the dire circumstances facing Remmy and I face. I feel guilty for enjoying the moment, but as the Ko climbs farther and farther up my body, I realize I need it. I let his cuteness warm my heart. A heart that could use it.

I reach my hand out slowly, trying not to startle him away. The Ko is weary of the gesture. He recoils a bit at first. He doesn't reach out yet. He just sits there, his big eyes searching for something, head tilted to the side. I stretch open a small front pocket of our pack and pull out a small pouch of Sweetberries. Ones we collect as we go. They're Remmy's favorite. Too sweet for me, I prefer the bitter bite of Fryttleleaves.

I place a Sweetberry in my palm and reach my hand back out. This time the Ko is more interested. He sniffs. Smelling the pleasant aroma of the berry. He reaches out with both hands and pulls the berry to his chest. He looks up at me as if waiting for permission to eat it.

"Go ahead... it's yours." I signal for him to eat it. The Ko pops the berry in his mouth, and his cheeks fill. His eyes lighting up with joy. He unwraps his tail and hops straight up in the air. It's impressive how high he can jump such thin limbs. He lands back down on my chest, and I let out a soft cough as he squeaks with excitement. His full personality bursts to life. He squeaks and chirps, and bounces all over me. He investigates everything. Playing with my hair, tossing the ropes of the sled around, wrestling with the sleeves of the shirt tied around my waist. He tumbles out of the balled-up shirt and reaches out once more. I place another berry in his polite little hands, and it explodes in his mouth as he mushes down on it. The juices drip down his chin, and he bounces up and down with joy.

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