The Help (My Own Version)

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Once in Stanley hotel in Allendale, California, there lived two black maids who were always treated unfairly just because of the color of their skin. Every day, they would see tons of white families and couples who would come to stay. Every time they would come and clean their room, the guests of the hotel would feel uncomfortable because of the color of their skin. Those were the only two BLACK maids. The rest of the maids at Stanley Hotel were white. And here is the unfair thing: Even though the black and the white maids would work equally, the two of them would get paid 25% less than the white maids! They weren't allowed to use the same washroom as the white maids. The white maids slept in a room in the hotel that had proper beds, but the black ones slept on mattresses on the corridor. They weren't allowed to eat with the other maids, they would be asked to wait until the white ones were done eating, and they would get their leftovers. At times, when the black maids would be waiting, the white ones would finish all desserts so that the other two can't have any. The two of them would try complaining to the higher authorities, but they would ignore what they would say and they were made to put in extra hours of work as a lesson for them.

One morning in the hotel, the two maids were chatting and sweeping the lobby's floor. Suddenly, they saw a really famous black lawyer checking in. They had seen her on TV. They were really glad and excited to meet her. They were walking towards her, but then some white maids tapped their backs and they turned around. " Oh, Hi Gutter and Peea! Still sweeping the floor? Boss man has given us a break today, so I guess you two will have to manage all the work yourself!'' said one white maid. The rest of the ones burst into laughter. ''It's actually Ruthie and Mia, FOR YOUR INFORMATION!!'' said Ruthie ''Enough! Go watch a movie or visit a mall or something, ladies! And you two, clean all the rooms in this hotel. From the ground floor to the 5th!'' By the time this conversation ended, the black lawyer had already gone away from the lobby. The two women did as they were told to do so. When they were cleaning a room on the 2nd floor, a woman wearing sunglasses came into the room. '' Um, hello? Are you cleaning my room right now? May I just use the washroom? Please it's urgent.''

They turned around and saw the same black woman in the lobby!! 'Oh, suree!!' They said. After she was done, she smiled at the two and asked them, 'Are you two the only maids who work in this hotel?' 'Oh, no miss! It's just that, er... They were given a break today.' 'How come? Why aren't you having a break today?' 'Miss, Actually, it's because of our skin color. They won't give us a break.' Said Mia. 'My my!! That's really unfair!! Ooh, I'm starving and I'm getting late for work! Let's talk about this tomorrow at the same time, shall we?'' 'Yes, miss!!' The two said.

After a while, the two black women were called in the office of the manager of the hotel. They were puzzled. Why were they being called? "We spotted you on camera and you were talking to that lawyer. Stay away from her or you two will be fired." They were frightened upon the statement. So, the next day, when the white maids

were back from their one day break, they cleaned the black lawyer's room. When the lawyer entered, she asked the white maids if they had seen the other two. One of them replied,

" If you're talking of Gutter and Peea, then they're on the second floor. I don't know which room though." "Thank you, kind ladies!"

Soon, the lawyer found the two. "Hey! Remember me? Wanna talk?" Ruthie passed on a written note to her as secretly as she could so that no one saw her with the lawyer. The note read "Please come sharp at 3: 30 PM in the cafeteria so that we can talk about this. And don't come earlier or the white maids might see you with us."

At 3: 30 PM sharp, when all the white maids were done eating and it was time for the two to eat the leftovers, the lawyer came and sat with them. "So, please tell me all the details. How are you treated unequal? I will fight a case for you!" "Thank you so much!!" They said.

"Even though us and the white maids would work equally, we would get paid 25% less than the white maids! we aren't allowed to use the same washroom as the white maids. The white maids sleep in a room in the hotel that has proper beds, but we sleep on mattresses on the corridor. We aren't allowed to eat with the other maids, we would be asked to wait until the white ones were done eating, and we would get their leftovers. At times, when we would be waiting, the white ones would finish all desserts so that we can't have any. We would try complaining to the higher authorities, but they would ignore what we would say and we were made to put in extra hours of work as a lesson for us." Said Ruthie

"I think that this much information is enough. Thank you for telling me all this."

It had been a month since the lawyer fought the case. After a month, the lawyer came to announce that the judge would choose whether the black lawyer won or the opposition. And that day, the manager of the hotel got to know that the lawyer was fighting for the black maids. They were immediately called in the manager's office. And after scolding them for ages, they were given the pink slip. But then, the lawyer had recorded all of that on tape.

The day of choosing came. Everyone was really nervous. In the court, the lawyer said "Your honor, I would like you to listen to this." So, the judge did. He got to know the manager's behaviour towards them. "Lawyer Tinna wins! The black maids will no longer work for Stanley hotel. Instead, they will study in college and go for higher studies, as they wish to." The black lawyer, Tinna was glad that they were given equal rights. When the two maids got to know, they were really glad. One of them went for an engineering course, and the other for an architect course.

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