Chapter 1- The Quiet Before The Storm

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"TOMMY GET DOWN FROM THE RAILING" Tommy looked over to his adoptive dad and stuck out his tongue.

"Relaxxx Phil I'm not going to get hurt" Tommy said shifting into a more comfortable position on the railing as Wilbur walked towards him with a devilish smile.

"Techno will you PLEASE tell your brother to get off the rail" Phil pleaded, Techno looked towards them from his position at the steering wheel and shrugged

"You could fall off and get hurt Tommy"

"THANK you Techno, see Tommy listen-"

"It would be pretty funny if you did fall though" Techno said as monotone as ever

"Techno! Don't encourage him!" Phil exclaimed, Techno gave a chuckle and continued to steer their yacht.

"Don't worry! I'm a Big Man! And Big Men don't fall-" Wilbur smirked and lightly pushed Tommy making him let out a yell and cling to Wilbur's arm.

Tommy gave Wilbur a glare "If I go down then you're coming down with me bitc-" Wilbur raised an eyebrow and pushed Tommy again. They both fell off the yacht into the crystal clear water.

"BOYS!" Phil yelled with worry, he ran towards the rail and looked down to find any sign of his sons.

Soon enough he could see two heads pop out from the water. He could hear Wilbur laughing and could tell that Tommy scoffed at him, Phil let out a relieved sigh. "Hey Techno! Stop the ship!" He looked over to see his oldest son walking his way.

"Way ahead of you " Techno responded as he looked down into the ocean. Tommy and Wilbur were having a water splash fight, and it was clear that Tommy was winning.

"PHIL COME HELP ME TAKE DOWN THIS GREMLIN CHILD" Wilbur yelled as he splashed some water into Tommy's eye making him temporarily blind. He rapidly rubbed his eye to get out the saltwater and when he could see he lunged at Wilbur, making the slightly taller man let a out a loud yell. Phil chuckled at their antics and looked over to Techno

"A detour won't hurt, right?" Phil asked with a smile, Techno sighed and took off his crown. He set it down on the small table on the deck and Phil followed suit by taking off his bucket hat. They both took off things they didn't want getting wet and jumped in the water.

"If you get Phil, Wilbur, then I get THE BLADEEE" Tommy yelled, Techno rolled his eyes at his younger brother but they all laughed.


After a few hours of the small family having fun, Techno looked up at the sky and frowned at the clouds approaching.

"Guys we should probably get back onto the boat, it seems like a storm is coming our way" He said with the slightest hint of worry in his voice. Tommy groaned at Techno but he reluctantly followed his brother up the ladder to get onto the dock.

Some time later Techno tried to find the fastest way to get his family out of any sort of danger. His pig ears perked up as he heard footsteps approaching him. He could tell it was Wilbur because he was humming a song that Techno had heard him working on late at night. Wilbur stood next to him while trying to dry his hair with a towel.

"What are we going to do?" Wilbur asked as he wrapped a towel around his shoulders. Techno flipped his pink,soaking wet hair out of his face

"I'll have to try and rush us to shore because it's way too dangerous to wait out the storm" Techno said, then he gave a side smile and glanced at Wilbur "Plus, I doubt that you nerds could withstand a storm like that" Wilbur gasped and jokingly punched Technos arm.

"Well make sure we don't die then" Wilbur said chuckling as he turned and walked down to the cabin area.

Sometime later Techno could hear Tommy's iconic laugh and his family having fun downstairs. He let out a grunt. He was kinda bothered that they didn't even think about keeping him company while he brought them to safety, but he would never let them know that it bothered him. His eyebrow creased because he felt something pool at the bottom of his stomach, he felt like something bad was going to happen. The whole reason they were having this trip was for them to reconnect with each other but it was delayed mostly due to Techno's quote on quote 'college schedule'.

He internally cringed, he would have to tell Phil soon about his decision on college when a giant boom resonated and broke him out of his thoughts. Just as he was drying off from swimming in the sea, he was drenched once more. Waves pounded relentlessly against the boat making it sway and shake. The boat then came to a stop, Techno tried turning the keys for it to turn on again but the engine just spluttered a response. Techno panicked as the key wouldn't budge. Out of nowhere a powerful wave crashed against the boat and was relentlessly tossed from side to side. He eventually tripped over his own shoe making him fall and slide across the ships deck. Dull pain creeped up his arm and side, his eye sight went blurry as he groaned and a yell could be heard. Techno lifted up his head, all he could hear was the rain pouring near him . The sound of water droplets pounding and sloshing filled up his ears and all he could think about was the pitter patter pattern. He was about to put his head back down when he heard the yell again. This time it was louder.


Techno's head shot up as three silhouettes came into his line of sight, one of them helped Techno up and gave him a tight hug. He could feel a familiar bucket hat smush against him "Phil..." he muttered. Wilbur and Tommy soon joined them in their embrace.

Tommy looked up to the swirling, ominous clouds with panic fogging up his brain. A crack of lightning flooded the murky abyss and within seconds a boisterous clap of thunder could be heard, making Tommy shriek and stumble into Wilbur. Tommy looked at Wilbur and Wilbur looked back at him, bringing him in closer into a hug. Phil reached out to all of his sons and brought them down to the floor, huddling them all together.

"I'm sorry..." Techno said, barely loud enough to be heard over the roaring rain. His family looked back at him in confusion "I was supposed to keep you guys safe" he stated


"It's not your fault Techno! It's m-" Tommy said interrupting Phil

"It's no one's fault" Phil said, bringing his hand up and brushing away tears rolling down Wilburs face. Phil gave them a sad smile "I love you guys, you're the best sons a man could ask for" he said adoration and pride shining in his eyes. Techno wrapped his dripping wet cape around his loved ones, they all kept saying 'I love you' like broken records. They had tears streaming down their cheeks but they just cuddled each other with smiles on their faces. Soon the darkness in the sky took control of their senses, and they relaxed into the abyss as they still held on to each other.

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