Chapter 10

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[10– Stories]

  "How was the musical?"


   "The one you saw with Oates... On her birthday, was it?"

   "Oh, yes... I liked it more than I thought I would."

   "And nobody tried anything?"


   Newman squinted. "Really?"

   "Yes. I don't know why anyone would." I shook my head. "What is it with you always worrying someone will take me from you?"

   "Have you seen yourself? I'd check the mirror more often." He chuckled. "You're, well, stunning."

   I had looked in the mirror enough. All there was were more flaws to pick out and more questions to ask. And with how I was fairing as of recent, I'd rather just listen.

   "[Name], love?"

   I blinked. "Yes?"

   "Are you even listening to me?" Newman set his pen down on his desk, facing me fully.

   "I am, just... Thinking." I sighed. "A lot."

   He smiled. "You always seem to be doing that."

   "Yeah," I replied. I scanned over the papers spread about over his desk. It was difficult to concentrate on the files and new findings from today's interview with so much else think about, and Newman seemed eager to keep this subject on either him or me today. "That all you wanted to know about my break?"

   "Well, I'm sure it was fun." He took hold of my hand that didn't have a pen. "What was the musical about anyway?"

   "Oh, um... It's about this person who swings from job to job because they don't know what to do with their life. They take up a job at a café, and, um... There they meet two new workers. Both seem kind and warm up to the main character, but, uh, one has ulterior motives that the other worker knows about and tries to stop before the main character gets taken too deep into their trap—"

   "Is that the one where they use the stage's trapdoor to exaggerate the villainous waiter being sent early to his grave in his hell-dream musical number?" Newman perked up in his seat, looking at me expectantly.

   "Um..." I nodded. "Yes, actually."

   "I haven't seen that musical in forever." His smile widened, though his body fell back down right after. "Well, it's the only one I've ever seen. I used to see it a lot as kid."

   "It's one I've never seen before," I said. "I was glad to see Oates so happy, though."

   He leaned a bit closer to me, his chair faintly creaking from the motion. "But were you happy? Going there, I mean?"

   I took in a deep breath, setting my pen down as I turned to him further. "I mean..." I struggled to accumulate the proper words for a response. "I guess. I, uh— I mean I was fine, but I..." I sighed. "I just kind of—"

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