New drug?

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Ash's pov
Urghhh, why did they have to come around now of all times. I walk into the living room and they greeted me, I tried to hide my annoyance by smiling but it must of shown. I sit down and Shorter bursts out laughing, "What's so funny" I glare at him "S-Sorry W-we didn't m-mean to in-interrupt yo-your make out ses-session" he wheezed. Eiji comes back from the kitchen and sits next to me blushing beet red. "W-what do y-you mean?" Eiji stuttered, once Shorter had calmed down he began talking. "Don't deny it I can see the hickeys on Eiji's neck and his hair is a mess" he smirked, Eiji covered his face with the sleeves. "No point hiding it then" I sigh and pull Eiji onto my lap, he squeaks in surprise and tries hiding his face in my neck. They all laugh as Eiji squirms in embarrassment.
"Ashhhh let me gooooo" he whined, i Chuckle and let him go. He picks up his phone and walks into the bedroom. "Ash" I turn to Alex and see that he's holding some documents "What's this?" I raise an eyebrow, and skim through the papers. "There's a new drug going around, we don't know all the details but there's rumours that it breaks people's minds" "What's it called?" I asked "Banana fish" Shorter replied "What? Like the name of the cafe?" They look at each other before replying "Apparently, the drug is being created there" "WHAT" I slam my hands on the table and Eiji comes running out.

Eiji's pov
I walked into the bedroom and answered my phone, Eiji bold, the boss in underline.

Ah Eiji it's me Mr boss (A/N: Sorry still don't know what to call him 😂)
Hi boss, is there something wrong?
No, no the cafe has finished being redecorated, are you able to come in next week normal time? (A/N: The cafe has been redecorated *cough* for the new drug *cough* so that's why Eiji hasn't been at work)
Yeah that's fine, Bye Sir
Bye Eiji

I end the call to hear Ash shouting. I quickly run into the front room and hug him from behind "Ash? What's wrong?" I look at him in the eyes and he relaxes, he hugs me back mumbling something. I look at Shorter and he explains, "W-Wait so where I-I'm working, is m-making a d-drug t-that k-kills people?" I stuttered, Shorter slowly nods his head. "However, we need more information about the drug and....." Shorter avoided eye contact and trailed off. "And?" Ash questioned "We need Eiji to gather information from the inside" he made eye contact with me, "I won't allow it!" Ash shouted and stood in front of me, as if he was protecting me. "Ash you kn—" "SHUT UP" Ash shouted cutting Shorter off. They then both started arguing and the others had to hold them back "I'll do it..." I mumbled, "WHAT" Ash shouted, "NO" "but Ash I will finally be able to help you and it's the best way to get information" I gently held his hand, while rubbing his knuckles. "But you might get hurt" his voice broke and tears where building up in his eyes, "We'll leave you two alone for a bit" Alex said and they all walked out of the apartment. Once they left Ash clinged onto me and began crying "Ash..." I said softly "I'll be fine" he looked up and I gently kissed his cheek. "B-but what if—" "Please Ash let me help" he looked into my eyes and slowly nodded "F-fine but as soon as it gets dangerous, you'll quit" I chuckle lightly "Promise"
We then spent the rest on the day with Ash clinging onto me and watching movies.

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