Chapter 1 - Nobody

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"It's her," the girl said making a revolted face. "How are you, pig face?" snickered a boy standing next to her. I tried to speak but a lump in my throat made it impossible for me to utter even a single word.

Oh, let me introduce myself. I'm nobody. Or you can call me Sierra Banks. I ignored the boys calling me a witch. My pale-skin, dark, messy hair, steely blue eyes and really deep red lips made me look like a witch sometimes. I was teased about it a lot, which made me insecure about my looks but that's not the point.

My life is really complicated, at home and at school. I guess you could say I've been through tragedies, my...sister died in a car accident when I was nine, she was only eight. I was fourteen now but still hadn't totally gotten her death. I couldn't form intelligible or precise words that described how upset I was for about two years after she died. She was my only friend for years, but that was until I met Ireshi, another outcast.

Ireshi had moved to America after her dad had gotten a transfer here. She was from Thailand and was actually very pretty which made me question why she was unpopular. Her silvery-green sloped eyes reflected so much beauty, her brown hair was always pulled into a very elaborate braid, her lips were heart-shaped and so smooth that....okay, now I'm getting carried away. If you couldn't already tell, I like Ireshi, like...a lot. And now you've also figured out that I like girls. Well, that goes way back.

I used to be the It Girl of school, people didn't call me pig face or witch, they called me Little Miss Perfect, the Queen Bee and other stuff. Everyone wanted to be me, everyone loved me and I was...perfect. People envied me, but it was apparently good for my reputation. I was born rich, so I had everything a girl could ever want. High-quality dresses, makeup, accessories and even dates. Dates where I felt nothing...No spark, no attraction but if I wanted to keep the It Girl charade, I had to go on random dates with guys.

But then...Ireshi came to school, according to non-existent It Girl rules I needed to be mean to her. I was hesitant, she looked stunning and was always so kind and....I still did it.

I knew I liked her, knew I liked girls but still was horrible malicious to her within the first weeks of her being here. Why? I'm not sure...sometimes being mean to people made me feel better about myself, appalling, I know. But....I wanted to take out my leftover anger about my sister on everyone. Hurt everyone just because I was hurt, I feel sick when I think about it now but that was my mindset earlier and I really couldn't change it.

I remember how I came out though, my popular friends or now- ex-friends, pushed me to date Carter. Carter John was my mental enemy, he always joined in when I made fun of Ireshi. It's senseless but I hated that he teased her, I remember the pain her eyes reflected. I remember watching her alone during lunch, as tears fell onto her table. I remember watching Carter going to her and making fun of her. She was also very open about liking both girls and boys- which automatically subjected to everyone bullying her.

The people who bullied her obviously didn't think I was getting affected in more than one way. Them bullying her broke my heart, but...them saying horrible things about a part of my identity just made me feel wrong. I was wrong.

My friends always told me to go out with Carter but at one point I just....burst. I yelled out that I liked girls and after that I was nobody. 

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