10: Stomach Ache

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As Addison and Meredith walked into the hospital Meredith felt sick. She felt her stomach clench and she felt like her stomach was about to burst open. She never experience pain like this before in her life before.

Meredith walked slowly with her arms wrapped around her own stomach hoping and wishing that the pain would go away soon. She walked like everything was fine and like she felt okay. Meredith knew that Addison had nothing to do with it since they only cuddled and there was no chance that she could be pregnant because she hasn't had sex since she last slept with Derek.

As the day went by Meredith just felt sicker and sicker. She went from her stomach feeling like it was about to explode to shivering even though it wasn't even cold in the hospital.

As Meredith walked to find her attending she found her with Addison, Bailey and Derek. She made herself know and she sat down on the nearest gurney and so did Cristina who appeared to be close by. As Meredith sat there she felt the need to throw up, but she though it was one of those things when you accidentally throw up a little in your mouth. This time she was wrong. The urge and the need grew and grew until she couldn't hold it anymore and she had to run to the nurses station and empty her stomach into their garbage can.

"What the hell, Grey?" Bailey asked raising her voice.

"I'm sorry." Meredith gagged and started to throw up again.

Cristina quickly went behind her and held up her hair. After she was done Bailey made Cristina take Meredith to a roll and do an ultrasound on her. As Cristina was going the ultrasound she kept joking about Meredith being pregnant and Derek being the baby daddy.

"Cristina, stop it. I'm not pregnant. I haven't ave sex since McDreamy." Meredith wished as Cristina pressed the wand against her lower stomach.

"Eww, Mer. I don't need that information, but really? That's been months." Cristina kept looking towards Meredith's lower stomach, but she didn't find anything so she moved upwards.

"Yes and well... I might've made out with someone." Meredith said avoiding to look at Cristina.

"Who? I need to know. Was it the way you took to prom?" Cristina stoped every movement she was doing and looked at Meredith.

"No. I was a women."

Cristina slapped Meredith's arm. "Who was it? Like, at least give me a description of how she looks like."

"Okay! I'm not going to tell you her hair color because it will give it away, but she has this piercing green eyes with a tint of blue in them. She's taller than me and she has this unique sense of style. She's so kind and sweet and she also has this smile that lights up the room." Meredith smiled and the last sentence.

"Meredith, for how long have you know her? Because to me it sounds like it was more than a make out section to me."

"I've known her for a few...months."

"Okay! Enough about your sex life. The ultrasound shows that you're not pregnant."

Meredith sighed in relief. "Thanks god."

Meredith cleaned her stomach and stood up and she walked out the room with Cristina following her behind. They went out found Bailey and told her the new and Meredith was back with Addison working in their case in no time.

Today Meredith and Addison had a case with Bailey that came through the emergency room. Throughout the day Bailey saw them giving each other these weird glances, Meredith always being close to Addison, and mirroring each other's actions. Bailey suspected that there could be something between them, but we all know that Bailey doesn't stick her nose where it doesn't belong.

  Throughout the day Meredith acted as if she felt fine, but her stomach was still hurting. Each time the pain progressed and it felt like Meredith was being stabbed over and over on her lower stomach.








Hello, fellas! Sorry this is a short chapter.

Also if you like reading books I recommend reading "Everything Everything" by Nicola Yoon :)

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